Our pride

Our pride help us to set standard, when we give too much attention to our pride and the standard set is too high people will refer to us as a proud person. It takes pride to carry yourself well and value yourself appropriately. Though pride is in two(2) fold, in which is best categorized as positive and negative. Its negative, when you rob shoulder with someone you know quite well supersede you on that platform you are contending with him or her. It's still negative when you think highly of yourself with little or no regard for others, not minding what other people's opinion are, all you are concerned is yourself. While the positive one is healthy, it helps you to love yourself, value yourself and hold yourself in high esteem, not easily given in to peer pressure because you know your worth and what you want per time.

When pride is not tamed, it gives birth to self; selfishness, self-centeredness to mention a few. It's one of the components that brings about difference in humans attitude. Because your wouldn't want to hurt your pride, your refuse to acknowledge what you know is true and genuine. Because your social status had improved, you wouldn't want to continue with the likes of your old friends of low class... Pride is the major constituent that promote strive among people; contending for superiority and choke love, selflessness out of the atmosphere.

Tame your pride, nature it and take hold of it. Not letting it take control of you; where you need to shed it off, shed it off with no reservations.

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