Our Believe

Believe is the ability to accept as true without absolute certainty of what you are accepting as true. Believe is illusionary, its something difficult to grasp but can be influenced over time. Believe helps in achieving what the mind is set on and at the same time debar one not to lift even a finger when our believe is against things of such. Believe is empowered by our will. Because when their is will, there is usually if not always a way. Sometimes all we have to do is to make our mind believe a thing and in no time we find ourselves chasing after it and our will power is tapped into. Hypnotised fellow is false to believe a thing and the person will end up pursuing the stuff with all his or her might. Believe holds enormous amount of power, and unstoppable power. Power to achieve great things and power not to move or lift a finger when your believe is at stake.

Our believe brings about the difference we all had, when our believe is the same we all practically will act in common interest and otherwise if our believe is different we act in different ways.

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