Today I have been a father for a decade! Happy birthday Aime!

Ten years ago this day I met someone who changed my life forever.


Of course I am speaking of my daughter! Aime Raine Ludick was born in 2008 and she has been an integral, driving force in my life! Even if she did not know it, the little baby that took up residence in my home and of course became a reason try just so much harder!


With love, dedication and some fun I have raised Aime. With stress, frustration and hard work I shaped and guided her. The reality of parenthood is that it is not always nice! Sometimes we must stand back and admire our handiwork. I can be proud of my little Grade 4 student that has so much of her own talent and personality.


On Saturday we went to Grand West Casino together with some of Aime's friends and her brother, we went ice skating. I haven't been on ice in 12 years and the kids have never been... we do not have ice or snow in Cape Town after all. Within an hour the Ice Station saw three Ludicks making our way around the rink at a fair pace and getting better at it! I definitely think we will go back again soon.


As is the nature of having a birthday in the middle of the week, we move the celebrations to the weekend prior and after. This morning we had chocolate cake instead of breakfast, but it is a school day so not too much fanfare. Aime still has a Grade to pass!

Happy birthday my girl.

  • Zak Ludick
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