I Wanted To Write A Poem For My Moms

I Wanted To Write A Poem For My Moms

Because I can't see them today.


I wanted to write a poem for my moms

Because I can't see them today

I'll put it up on my Medium blog

In honor of Mother's Day

My mom, Lynn, or Lynnie to her friends

Is sweet as a mom can be

She's the only one I can tell everything

And hugs the best, believe me

If I couldn't be luckier to have a mom like Lynn

I have my stepmom Lisa too

She's witty and kind and loving and wise

And cracks me up every time

My boyfriend's mom Yolanda's in Guanajuato

So he sent love across distance too

Mother's Day was Thursday in Mexico

We'll see her to celebrate soon

Our loves for our moms, all of them

Honestly is what brought us together

We learned from them unconditional love

Is what we should strive to give to each other

We are lucky to have moms all around

Whose laughs and hugs keep us warm

Our neighbor Karoline, our friend Vivian,

My coworker Kate, and many more

I took a picture of a nice bouquet

From the farmer's market for this post

Pretty flowers always remind me

I should send them to all my moms more

It's the least I can do thank them for

All the love, patience, and cariño

Getting older I understand better

How much it is they really do

So hug your mom for me if you can

Or think of her if she's not there

Happy Mother's Day to every single one

And thanks for the love you share

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