@yukki | Want As Good As The RRQ. Lemon? Know the advantages and disadvantages First Kagura in Mobile Legends, so as not to regret - Review Hero #Vol3

Often watch RRQ. Lemon played Kagura that is so good and energetic? Know first the advantages and disadvantages of Mobile hero Legends this one!

Since the advent of various Mobile competition in Legends, Kagura is increasingly often appear in various games either casual match or ranked match. This must not be separated from being a pro player Kagura i.e. RRQ. Lemon. This player is very closely linked to the signature of his hero using the umbrella. However the Kagura is not hero carelessly can be used by anyone. If you intend to use or even buy it, better know first the following strengths and weaknesses so as not to regret it.


High Damage

Like the mage in General, Kagura can produce the magic damage of the whole of his skill. Not to mention a fairly large area with long distances make it can hurt a lot of enemies at once.

Control Effect of good

Not only does high damage, control effect from all his skill whatsoever is quite annoying, especially if the user is an experienced user Kagura. The enemy will not be able to move away despite using the Flicker when dealing with them.

High Mobility

As the hero mage, Kagura is one which has high mobility. The combination of an Open Umbrella and Seimei Rasho Umbrella Flee make tremendously agile and tough Kagura escapes from kejarannya. Without the help of teammates, you will not be able to escape from Kagura.

Relatively Short Skill Cooldown

Already have high damage, control effect of his sadistic, any skill cooldown short anyway. No wonder if the user is so very Kagura when using this berpayung girl. Not to mention if coupled with lowering the cooldown of items and magic damage boost, this hero would have been going more fierce again!


Not a Hero that is suitable for beginners

Although very powerful and agile, Kagura is not the hero that is suitable for beginners. He holds a very important role in the game to hurt enemies, initiate a fight or make a crack for teammates. If the hero is used by beginners, it is likely to lose timmu would very large.

It took a long time to learn it

Not much different with Fanny, mastering Kagura pun is not an easy thing. You should be able to calculate the cooldown, damage skill, as well as the distance and positioning to show maximum potential. But since so many video tutorials how to use Kagura on Youtube, should the heck his studies he already did during the early released!

That was the last the advantages and disadvantages of Mobile in the Kagura Legends. If you think the drawback is not that heavy, don't hesitate to buy this one hero with prices 32,000 battle points or equivalent to 599 diamond. Good luck Yes! Social media continues to follow @yukki for a variety of news, stories, and tips and tricks about Mobile Legends!!!!

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