Police reality

Yesterday happened something that I really have to share with someone.

So, last night I was walking my dogs with my boyfriend and all of the sudden we heard arguing. And not any kind of arguing, I’m talking door slamming, stuff breaking,... The guy was literary screaming at his wife/girlfriend and their child. So we decided to come closer, to see what’s happening. Then the child began to screaming and crying so much, at first I wasn’t sure if it was a dog or a child. The guy started screaming “I will kill you both, shut the fuck up, I don’t give a shit I will kill you both”. When I heard that, I froze. I couldn’t just stand there anymore, we had to do something. I live in this neighborhood and I “know” this guy. It’s not the first time I heard him screaming and breaking stuff, but this time he was threatening to kill. To KILL his kid and the girl. He really seems to me like someone who is capable of doing something like that. So, we called the police.

We explained that we heard loud arguing, that the guy is threatening to kill his wife and child, and that they should come as fast as they can. The police officer sad to my boyfriend that we don’t have to wait for them, and that they will send someone to check the situation. So, my boyfriend and I decided that we won’t wait right in front of the apartment (I don’t need that idiot coming after us if he sees that we called the police), and instead we decided to sit in the park from where we can see the apartment and we waited. I really was terrified, and the sentence “I will kill you both” kept ringing in my head. We called the police around 23:00 and we were sitting there for almost half hour. No one came. NO ONE.

I live in Croatia, and my county is fucked up, in all shapes and forms, but at least I felt safe. I beveled that if you feel threaten or if you think someone else is in danger, they will come and “save” the situation. It’s their job! So where were they?! What are the conditions for their arrival. Should a person be dead or badly injured for them to come? Or was I supped to go there, knock on the door of that asshole and handle the situation myself? Because if that’s the case, than I don’t see the need to have police at all. And I wouldn't be so pissed off if I didn’t called them a few years ago about noise complaint and they came in 4 minutes! 4 minutes for a noise complain, and no one came for a death threat. Why? What are the situations you call them for and what are not? What qualifiers as “important” and what doesn’t? Because If I knew no one would come, I would think of something else to do.

Luckily, at the end, no one got hurt (except a trauma the child must have went through), everything was “okay” at the end, but for how long? What would have happened if the guy really killed them both. We called, we reported the “incident” and they didn’t respond. Why?!
And don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the police, and I really understand how hard and difficult their job is, but I’m sorry, you decided that you want to be a police officer. Then DO what YOU are supposed to do! Help, save, protect, prevent bad things from happening,... Because last night, they failed at they job. And the consequences could have been tragic.

So, that's my story. If you have some thoughts or "ideas", feel free to leave your comment. I would love to see someone else's opinion.

Bye-bye, for now.

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