let go of all that

 Life is a unique journey, we have many changes, good and bad. Desiring a change and not making decisions to achieve it is a passive state that blocks us and wears us, throughout our lives we have not only unavoidable changes but also inevitable people change constantly many times we have transformations in the wake of a critical situation. Crisis means "Change" 


 we only discover a new horizon if we are willing to change in our life, clinging to what hurts us is a situation harmful to our personal growth affects our mood. And it is necessary that we have confidence in our abilities and abilities since they will allow us to go through what is presented to us.


 Do not fear the changes of life, let us detach ourselves from those where we are clinging everything has a beginning and an end that we have today, tomorrow can not be. Let us learn to close stages of our life it is very important to close cycles in order to start a new one


Personally I apply it in my life. She is like a driver and her rearview mirror, I look forward and never back, my rearview mirror just look at it for a moment I observe and accept what I am leaving and what is coming, and what is to come. I have my door open to start a new and different life leaving everything that hurts me behind


 It is a short post I hope it will be of help for all the people who at one time had strong situations today was a hard day for me, and I thought it because the changes are necessary, because I hold on to what hurts me or because I do not have the courage to decide the now and the now. thank you very much


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