My first insight into a job interview as an observer


Today, as a substitute for my works council colleague, I was allowed to attend a job interview. It was a very exciting day with incredibly strong applicants. Everyone had special strengths in their own way.

What were my impressions?
I did not know what to expect, how the questionnaire looks like the procedure is. But right at the beginning it was a very relaxed atmosphere and I was warmly welcomed by the current assistant, who told me that she will also be part of the conversation. That immediately made a great impression and showed me that the branch manager attaches great importance to the opinion of his assistant.

How was the process?
The talks were very relaxed. At the beginning every candidate was supposed to introduce himself - professional career, private hobbies etc. It was very interesting to hear in which areas the applicants were already employed and which qualifications they could already collect. Really amazing what some young people already bring with them for experience and knowledge. Afterwards, the candidates were described in situations and they should respond to how they handle it. I found the point "Conflicts in the team" very interesting - how do I behave when two colleagues quarrel and the working climate suffers? The approaches of the colleagues who would work to save the working atmosphere and not just look away while the mundane quarrels messes up the good atmosphere in the team, arrived best. It is logical, we are at work to do a good job together and not to make life difficult for us.

Unfortunately, I have to say again and again that there are colleagues who keep spreading bad moods, partly because of such unnecessary things. We spend so much time on work - should not we give the best to make this time as comfortable as possible? It is clear that we always meet people we can not stand, but then we should prove our strength and yet treat these people nicely and politely - it does not have to be a friendship.

My conclusion to today:
It was very interesting and enlightening to be present at today's talks and I took an important point for me: "You are the master of your own destiny - love it, change it or leave it." Always stand by your opinion and openly and honest with the people around. In the end, not only the skill but also the humanity counts.

In this sense, I wish you all a nice Tuesday evening! :)

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