Helllllllloooooo Steemit. We're back! See inside the life of @xtdnrymompreneur!

It has been a while Steemit. Life gets hectic and sometimes focus has to be redirected. Since having our 4th beautiful baby, Deveah, I have had to learn how to be a mom of 4, new to home schooling and I started watching a 2 year old boy a couple days a week. Figuring out time managment has been a real feat. Also, my mother in law has moved in with us, so it has been a busy, hectic time around our house.

Home school has been good. I have been getting more organized and less structured. We decided to focus on reading, writing, outdoor fun and music this year.




Devdan has learned how to play a few things on the xylophone.

And Deveah wants to be just like Devdan!

I have been working on my green thumb, with the help of my mother in law.

We turned our daughters room into Mimi's room.

Here is Dhara with her new playmate, Sebastian, @vischangefitness son. He hangs out with us a few days a week. We love having him around!!!

Deveah is 7 months old now and pulling her beautiful self up to stand on anything she can get ahold of. She will be walking soon!!!

I don't know if you were aware that it snowed in Houston. It was beautiful. It was amazing. We got our kids up in the middle of thr night and played in the snow for an hour, then went to Denny's to have breakfast.


I am still doing cakes and loving it.

Did a birthday cake for this beautiful Steemian, @texaswildflower.

Been working on recipes. Baby teething biscuits, cough drops, sweet potato gnocci, smoothie popscicles and of course our go to chicken soup.

And of course, my ride or die. I love my husband! Gearing up for a kick ass 2018 full of love and adventure!!!!

So, I hope to be on more and posting again. I think I am getting back into the groove of life and kids and being creative. It's good to read through some posts and reconnect with you lovely people. Leave me a comment and tell me how you have been and what is going on in your life!

                           It takes a village! 


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