"...though I haven't always seen things clear, I am now thankful for things I never imagined I could be..."

"I have learned the value in experience "

There's a saying that 'experience is the best teacher ' and I believe it's true. True enough, not because experience doesn't lead you to repeating mistakes but because it builds up your mind and encourages you in going through the right path. Experience itself is.... experience! Whatever it teaches you makes you and not you, so don't discard it easily when trials come your way.

"...though I haven't always seen things clear, I am now thankful for things I never imagined I could be..."

Yes, we don't all see things clearly that why we have the good vices that chip in one or two to make us better people. Opinions are priceless (the ones with good thoughts though), for every negativity (-) there's always something to make it positive (+),so I urge you to filter it well and you'll be shocked to see the secrets that will unravel. Be thankful, not in pride but in mind for they attract good things to you.

"...if it wasn't for the liars, I wouldn't know the value of trustworthy people... "

Liars are everywhere but can you identify the truth in a simple lie? Nobody is perfect but its good to be close to love and earnestness.

"...if it wasn't for the pain, I wouldn't know the value of peace... "

Peace is forever attainable and only you have the power to be at peace, just make the decision. -it is as simple as that
"...if it wasn't for the good things failing, I wouldn't know what was needed to set the foundation for something great... "

Like I said,there is positivity in negativity. It's not your time yet so patience is 🔑 to a 🚪 of better things that you didn't know are close by.

"...i learned the power of acceptance through my disappointments.... "

"...every letdown has left me in a position to grow, and I'm wiser because of it all, it hasn't become bitter, its had the courage to stay open and that has only made me better. "

Every disappointment 😞 is a blessing, don't give up you just might strike GOLD.

This quote inspired me to share my thoughts, I hope you've received something today from it like I have.

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