
Choices of a Modern Day Hobbit

I’ve been delightfully chubby for most of my adult life. I enjoy a semi-hobbit lifestyle full of second desserts and 4th meals, and I’ve been moderately healthy.

But within the last year, I befriended a trainer and I been working out. (Yeah!) Hard ( Boo!) I’ve lost 20 pounds over the year, I have more muscle, I stand differently, and people compliment me. Overall I look and feel better... except my face.

Because fat is removed from the body as a whole, I found my face doesn’t have that youthful spring that it once did. I look more serious and generally older. Or at the very least more tired.

So, 3 weeks ago my friend had to leave town for work, and I boomeranged back to my middle earth lifestyle. Gained 10 pounds in two weeks.
You know what I heard: “Oh you’re looking so good.” “You look great” and my favorite “Oh wow, do you have a new skin regiment”

Trust me, I’m not the type of guy who has a “regiment.”

But suffice to say the extra pounds did fill out my face. Made my skin taut. A more youthful feel.

So, Sofie’s choice, the face or the gut?
Then it occurred to me: liposuction.

You could have a full face, lean belly, and still eat like a hobbit- all for the cost of some thousand of dollars and a few weeks of belly pain.

Now.... I’m not advocating major surgery to look the way you want. From a health perspective, you should workout, you shouldn’t be reaching for that second pint of Ben & Jerry’s.

But it’s erroneous to believe that it is always possible to look the way you want, just by willpower and effort alone.

Ultimately, life is full of tough choices: the face, the belly, or the knife.

A tough thing to ponder over second breakfast, indeed.

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