Journey: Dealing with emotions

Lets get into it a bit deeper. You know that thing that happened yesterday, that was so irritating it made you furious with anger? What if you would just keep piling up all those experiences and not let go of them? What if your bad mood becomes your personality because you just didn’t forgive and forget? 

I remember growing up I was always yelling and screaming and making a big deal out of things. As far back as I can remember. And my parents have been good at reminding me of this. What in fact was happening was that I would get emotional because of something and react in irritation or anger. I’ve thought a great deal about how and if I ever was taught how to deal with my feelings, but as far as I can remember nobody ever taught me anything of value in this department. When I was in school my temper caused me problems because kids would tease someone who is easily teased. My parents told me to count to ten and let it go. I remember trying but ten wasn’t actually nearly enough. My parents started saying to me (and to others) that I’m like that and I just need a minute to calm down. This is what I started believing about myself, that I would always have to react to my emotions. 

My beliefs about the world and about myself is the problem. 

Dealing with this matter is where I put my greatest focus on at the moment. For the past 34 years I had been unable to deal with my emotions and had built up a personality that I had unconsciously created. Changing my state of being (and maintaining that state of being) in order to change my personality is where I currently am in the river of change. 

Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. This is just one of the many things I’ve learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza. Just like training any kind of activity you can train your mind and as you do the work and your brain gets more coherent it becomes easier and easier to not let a single thought slip by that you didn’t consciously choose. They come, especially if you don’t do your work. 

Now I want to keep this post short and end it with some thoughts about the past and look brightly into the future. During the last year I’ve learned so much about myself and spirituality, about how we are all connected. I’ve managed to get free of my earthly belongings and create a retreat for myself where I can unlearn and relearn in order to be the greatest self I can be. There are a few things I will be not taking with me into 2018: joints (absolutely 100% vape now), porn (lust) and feelings of unworthiness. 

Read this great blogpost by Dr. Joe Dispenza and check out this very good interview by 180 nutrition. I hope you all have a great last few days of 2017 and lets make 2018 the best year yet!

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