Our crazy culture

Hey everyone,

I know this is not my normal post, but I had to set the record "straight" and hope that this mistake doesn't happen again to someone else.

I just looked at post from a fellow steemian and just saw what they posted (see post: @wolfmaiden
Next we have @wolfmaiden, who joins us from the USA as well! He shares with us that he enjoys writing and poetry! He even includes a video of himself sharing some of his poetry with us! Have a listen and check out this new writer's work in his blog post below. Welcome to the Steem Community @wolfmaiden!
"Howdy y'all" .)

I find it flattering and very humble that they wanted to feature me in their weekly blog, but I also found it rude considering if they took the time to actually listen to the video, they would realize that I am a WOMAN and not a man. In all my years on Mother Earth, I could count on both my hands many times over that I have been called a man/boy/guy etc, because I don't look or dress like a woman. I am very much a hardworking WOMAN who has always dressed in "boy's/men's" clothing (even from the time I was a young babe, my mother had me in boy's clothes) because they are more comfortable and easier to move around in. Yes, I know my hair is short, but you try having long hair that is down to your knees and get migraines on a daily bases because of the weight and thickness. Hell, my wife cuts my hair now and I still have enough to make a small wig and that is only 2-3 months of growth. See picture below of my wife, our son and I (this was taken when my hair was down to my knees.) So my question to you is, "When women reject men, they feel like they have to make them into men to make them feel like they are still part of the team?"

Scott family at PRIDE in Bozeman MT June 20 2011.jpg

And here is a pic of what I look like now without the long hair: 11008056_1551817261744142_752885308876393808_n.jpg

So I am not bashing this fellow steemian in any form, I just want folks to realize that they need to take a better look at the world around them before making assumptions about someone. What is that old adage: "Don't judge a book buy its cover?" I think that holds true here in this case.

So with all that said, I hope my fellow steemians will take a look at the folks around them before making snap judgments and putting their foot in their mouth.

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