Hello STEEMIT BETA.JPG friends here's my LESSON 2 about #life and #spirituality:
The 2nd Lesson I'm sharing with my #LifeGroup:



‘Is life all about ourselves only, or is there anything more than just living?
How can we find true meaning and significance in life?
What does it take to become a disciple of Jesus?’

As a believer of our Lord Jesus Christ, ‘have you ever felt that God must have a greater purpose that just saving us from our sins and preparing us for Heaven?’ The greatest hindrance to pursuing God’s purposes for living is being ‘contented’ with mediocre Christianity. It is a ‘superficial satisfaction’ that hinders us from living the life that God intends for us to live. God has blessed us so that we could be a blessing to others! The gift of salvation should be shared to others as well! Unless we come to this realization, life will lack purpose, fulfillment, and eternal significance. My prayer is that after this message, all of us would be challenged to hear the Master’s call to discipleship and follow Him.

Matthew 16:24-27
matthew 10 17.JPG
Mark 10:17-22
mark 10.JPG

TEXT: Matthew 16:24-27; Mark 10:17-22 – ‘If any of you wants to be my disciple…’

Here in our text, our Lord Jesus Christ has just commended Peter for His revelation of His divine identity of who He was (Matt. 16:17). However afterwards, our Lord also intensely rebuked this disciple for failing to see and understand His divine mission (v. 23)! Peter and His disciples could not yet fully comprehend the reason why Jesus Christ came to this world. Since He was the ‘Sent One of God’, they thought He came to set up His literal Kingdom and that they too would reign with Him! They were unable to see that Jesus Christ came the first time to set up His spiritual Kingdom in the hearts of those who would believe and accept Him into their lives.

The Lord’s disciples at this point were still immature. They wanted to become ‘great in the Master’s Kingdom’ without becoming like their Master. They were following Jesus for the wrong reasons and the wrong expectations. And because of this, the Lord gave out a serious invitation ‘for anyone who would want to become His disciples’. In this, our Master lays down three essential qualities that must be in those who would want to follow Him. Jesus Christ, our Master, demands ALL or NOTHING AT ALL!

TOTAL SURRENDER – … you MUST deny yourself… put aside your selfish ambitions…’


Following Jesus requires total surrender of our desires, dreams, time, possessions, and our ‘rights’ to God. We can see this in another passage where a rich, young ruler came to Jesus and wanted to follow Him. The rich young man was a good, godly, and religious man. He asked the Lord ‘what must be done to be saved?’ He obeyed all the laws of Moses all His life, and yet in response, our Lord Jesus Christ tells Him ‘it’s not enough’.

Jesus then told Him that he needed to ‘go and sell ALL He has and to GIVE it to the poor…’ For this young ruler, his money and possessions was his ‘treasure’ in life. Selling and giving it away was very difficult to do! We may now think that otherwise. But if we were in the young ruler’s shoes, I’m almost sure we would respond in the same way or even worse! His riches and possessions provided him with the security, comfort, and significance in life. It was his ultimate source in life! And God wanted him to surrender all of these to Him. However, we must understand that the Lord is never a ‘taker’ but a ‘giver’. The Lord assures a great reward both in this life & in the next to all who would surrender their all to Him (Mk 10:29-30). Unfortunately, the rich man was unwilling for TOTAL SURRENDER and went away sad. ‘My friend, if the Lord would ask you to surrender EVERYTHING, would you be willing to do so, or will you likewise go away sad?’

TOTAL COMMITMENT – ‘… you MUST take up your cross…’


The second condition for discipleship is as difficult and essential as the first one. Jesus Christ our Master requires nothing less than TOTAL COMMITMENT from everyone who would want to follow Him. If we want to be His disciple, we need to ‘take up our Cross’. The Cross was a symbol of pain, suffering, shame, and death. The Lord expects us to be willing to bear the shame, pain, and sufferings that comes from following Him. We need to accept the reality that true commitment will attract oppositions and persecutions from those around us, especially from those close to us! And because of this, we need to prepare ourselves! If we are not willing to give the Lord our TOTAL COMMITMENT, then we are not worthy to follow Him. He wants our ALL or NOTHING AT ALL!

I am reminded of how the Israelites showed their total commitment to their leader Joshua in their pursuit of the Promise Land. Because their parents and the older generation failed to be fully committed to the Lord, their possession of the Promise Land was delayed for 40 years! And finally, now it was their time to go and possess the land! They decided to be fully committed to the Lord and to their leader (Joshua 1:16-18)! They now realized the importance of total commitment to God for He demands ALL OR NOTHING AT ALL!

TOTAL OBEDIENCE – ‘… you MUST follow me…’


Finally, Jesus told the rich, young man, ‘Come and follow me’. It was a call to total obedience and submission to God! God is not pleased with half-hearted obedience! Our obedience to God is the very proof of our genuine love for Him! We cannot say ‘we love God’ and yet live in disobedience! As we strive to obey His Word, then we can learn how it is to truly love God. The rich young man ‘thought’ He already loved God because of his goodness and religion. But God demands TOTAL OBEDIENCE from him OR NOTHING AT ALL!


STEEMIT BETA.JPGfriends, the road towards Biblical discipleship is not an easy road to take. Jesus Christ, our Master, never promised a ‘smooth and comfortable’ life if we want to follow Him. But He promises His power, presence, and eternal rewards for all who would follow Him. He deserves nothing less of our BEST! It takes TOTAL SURRENDER, TOTAL COMMITMENT, and TOTAL OBEDIENCE to GOD. Delayed obedience is disobedience. It’s ALL or NOTHING at ALL! Friends, ‘are you willing to give your ALL to GOD?’ The message may sound very hard and straightforward, but it's what His Word says. It's ALL or NOTHING AT ALL! Amen!


I'll be glad to receive comments and reactions. God bless you more STEEMIT BETA.JPG !

Lesson 1: Releasing the warrior within!
Credits to my mentor DTE.

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