Introducing Me!

Hey everyone,

You only get one chance to make a first impression so here it goes:


My name is Willow and that's the most boring thing I'll say to you from now on.

Growing up I watched YouTube and thought making a living from creating content that connected you with like minded people while fulfilling your creative passion was the DREAM. I still think that, but not on YouTube. It isn't what it used to be and I would've never known that if I hadn't joined the community a few month ago.

Don't get me wrong, YouTube is the best place to find makeup tutorials, product reviews, and the infamous cat videos that we all spend way too many hours watching, but that's not the pinnacle of what I want to create. It's no longer the platform to make whatever your heart desires. It's an extremely censored community, but I think that's why we're all here.

My favorite part of creating content is connecting with the audience and I believe, although this IS my first day on here, that we're a group of people itching for connection and conversation and progression and fulfillment. I love writing, I also love talking, and I have this sense of freedom here to be my genuine Willowfull self.

Now I don't want to blabber on for too long, but I want to let you know what to expect from me:

I'll be probably post rants about topics I'm currently obsessed with, I love the Law of Attraction so I'm sure there'll be stories of times I've experienced it's magic, I want to share positivity so you won't be allowed to have a bad day (no one deserves that), I'd also like to delve into the world of Live streaming and have conversations about whatever you all are interested in. I'm here to be a friend, to give advice, an open mind to rant to about your thoughts to, and simply a human wanting happiness for other humans.

I can't WAIT to start reading about all of you and supporting you on your own creative journeys. Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. I really appreciate it!<3

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