Wake up. You're already rich.

Heey what's up crew! My condolences I've been off the grid for a week or so. Was raving hard in the Netherlands while operating on minimal sleep, resulting in a well-deserved cold that just drained my creativity. So took a little break.

My aim today is to put a little bit of fire beneath your feet. You'll see what I mean in a second. And once again, my man Jordan Peterson serve as an inspiration for today's post.

And seriously guys, I want you to right fucking now bring up whatever podcast app you have in your phone, search for "The Joe Rogan Experience" and add episode #1070 with Mr. Peterson to your "to-listen" list. You'll thank me later. (Especially after the first hour or so it really takes off)

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Alright boys and gals, let's get this show on the road.

Let me ask you a question, your only job is to be completely honest.

How much time are you wasting a regular day?

10 hours? 6 hours? 4 hours?

Notice that I'm not defining the term "waste" for you. I'm just asking the question.

When Peterson asks this question to his students in class. About 80% raise their hands at the 6 hours mark. Which I would agree - based on empirical evidence - to be quite a good estimate of how much time people waste daily.

So, let's do some arithmetic.

6 hours a day equals 42 hours a week. Let's make that 40 hours, a typical work week.

Now how much is your time worth?

Well it is at least worth minimal wage right?

I would argue it is worth a lot more though. A productive hour spent today do not just equal a hour worth of gains.

Because the benefits you get for that one productive hour will benefit you for the rest of your life - it's called the compound effect.

So let's assume a hour worth of your time is worth $50, which still is quite a low estimate. That means you waste $2000 a week, and over $100 000 a year. Keep doing that for 40 years and you have soon wasted $4 000 000 worth of money.


You're already rich.

Get your shit together, or as Peterson would say, clean your room, set your own house straight before you try to change the world.

Although, going cold turkey and eliminating all time wasting in a day is a recipe for failure. If you waste 6 hours currently, push it down to 5 hours, or if that's too much, do 5 hours and 45 minutes.

Exchanging the activities you perceive as leisure is another thing you can do to up the productivity hours. Instead of watching brain-dead series, pick up a book or do something creative such as playing an instrument or creating art. You just have to push through those initial weeks or months of resistance until your brain adapts to the new behaviour.

Lastly, I want to stress that I don't advocate to eliminate all time wasting completely. Having 1 or 2 hours each day to just do whatever the fuck you want I think is key for healthy lifestyle.

Trust me.

I've done periods of 100% productivity, and while I believe that some people may have a certain propensity to sustain such a course of action, I myself only end up with an emotional state compared to an un-flushed toilet.

Executive summary: Aim high. Stop wasting time. You're already rich.

Until next time.

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