Happy 6th years old birthday / 12點!是我小兒六歲生日!

It is another year and now you are six years old. It is really hard for me to imagine as I can still remember how you look like when you were first born.


It is nothing happier than seeing you learn how to walk, talk and run and at times, you have made us very angry. I would never exchange my time for anything else.


Coming to Taiwan is a big challenge for us as a parent and for yourself as well. Even the language barrier, we see you stay who you are and still be a very happy boy and we are extremely proud of that.


Six years old this year would represent another challenge for you, this means you are going to a primary school after the summer holiday. We just want you to stay positive and be embrace what you already have and try to improve little by little everyday. Also embrace the negativity you may face and learn how to stay focus and deal with it.


Happy 6th years old birthday. Aug 5th 00:00


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