Resolutions after 10 days into 2018.

Around half of people around the world made resolutions last week. Some of these resolutions were centred on spending more time with family, being faithful in a relationship, drawing closer to God, and some made a resolution that has to do with weight loss. Let’s be realistic: most of us are lazy and procrastination has become our shadow. Why do we then keep going through this process year after year?
No need to beat yourself up over the fact that you’re a failure, though.
Good news is, its okay to fail resolutions since we can’t flog ourselves.
I don’t mean to discourage anyone but here is why those resolutions won’t work.

Lose 15kg?
You probably made this goal out of feelings of shame, self-loathing, and body image issues. The sad part of it all is, it took you the last three weeks to pile on so much weight and it might take you the next eleven months to lose it. How will you keep you words when you dread the gym as much as you dread mondays? When you spent the holidays going from one neighbour’s house to another all in the name of ‘Christmas food’? When your treadmill at home has become a sort of wardrobe where you toss your dirty clothes and bags? How about the appetising aroma from the restaurant close to your house that won’t let you stick to your 1000 calories max consumption per day?
I don’t know about you but I am really trying to live a sort of life where my unfulfilled spirit won’t have to roam the earth from one kitchen to another when my body is six feet below because I denied my self that grilled chicken all in the name of dieting.

Spend My Time With Your Family and Friends?
Family reunions outside the shores of my country emphasises on how important and valuable relationships and personal connections are. “I should make time for my family and the people that matter to me,” you said to yourself.
The reason you felt romantic about your family and friends was because you saw them during the holidays knowing,
subconsciously, that soon the season would be over and you could be alone again. You know why this resolution might not work? Think back on how often you have ignored or avoided your parents. If we spend all the time with our friends, when are we going to chase papers?
Take me for instance. All I ever wanted was to go home but now the holidays are over, I can categorically state I spent more than half on my holidays doing dishes and running one errand or the other. I also gave up my freedom by abiding to my parents 6pm curfew rules. My VIP treatment expired 24 hours after I got home.
Please don’t get me wrong! I love my family more than words could express but absence makes the heart grows fonder.

Stay Faithful In A Relationship?
You find yourself saying this every January, year after year but two months into the new year, you realise you no longer need a jean with a zipper. Listen, a new year cant fix a cheat. Once you break your promises to your self the first time, you will find yourself suspending If you can let go of little things like unused condoms in your wallets and drawers, how much more sticking to one partner?

Draw Closer To God?
Okay so its 2018 and expect to be casting out demons by March, laying hands on the sick by June and being able to recite a million biblical verses by November. Ironically, this was among your last year resolutions but a few week gone and you gave up.
Which among these is/are your excuses?

  1. You can’t stand your church. The pastor's face is too menacing(trust me, I've heard worse excuses).
  2. The hot girl you usually look forward to in church no longer comes.
  3. No money for offering?
  4. Church is too far?
  5. Lazy to study the bible?

At the same time, if you fail at your New Year’s resolution or didn’t make one, you can take advantage of the many “fresh-start opportunities throughout the year ” to start anew or try again with a renewed morale in 2019.

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