Yes I'm different

17 years I live in deprivation. Disadvantages that make me not like them. Yes I'm different. Sometimes I feel God is not fair to me to why He created me different like this.

My name is Rian, Rian Wiranto. I went to high school in Bunga Bangsa who graduated and went to college. For 17 years I have lived in misery. I was always excommunicated. Yes I'm different. I was born with one hand, I only have my right hand and my left hand butt from birth, I am disabled. If I may choose, I would rather not be born in this world than I should be a mockery of their insults. But I know God's plan will be good to me.

My habit when I was contemplating and lamenting this fate, I was always in the backyard of the school alone. I just stared blankly at this park without interest with the beauty of the flower.
"What did they tell you?" This sweet girl's voice interrupted my thoughts.
I just turned back for a moment and looked back.
"As usual they call me a disabled child. Is it because I have only one hand so they always say it to me? are they heartless? Are children with disabilities should always be treated so? "I say sad.
Lia the girl's name, the only student in this school who wants to be friends with me, whether I want to make friends with me this disabled while his friends away from me.
She sat next to me.
"No Rian, you should not be treated like that. Be patient, Rian, they have no heart, they are just perfect on the physical but their heart is not perfect, you are a good person, should not be good people treated like this continue. There are times when all this will be beautiful Rian! "Said Lia with a sweet smile.
"Yes" I said quietly.
"Yeah yuk to the class bell came in already rang." He said again.
"Okay let's go." I replied by developing a smile

Teng ... teng ... teng ...
The school bell rang and the noise broke out of the students who welcomed the doorbell.
As usual I just wait for an angkot at a bus stop near the school. I am not a wealthy person, so I always ride public vehicles to leave and go home from school, unlike my friends who ride motorcycles to school. I'll step foot toward my little house. Leaving tired from their taunts.
"Assalamu'alaikum, ma'am" I said.
"Waalaikumsalam." Respond from inside the house. The voice of someone who always makes me strong and always willing to face life. She is my mother.
"It's home, son." Said my mother. I entered the house and kissed my mother's hand.
"It's mad." I say.

Go into the room. Fresh water has removed the fatigue that made me feel uncomfortable. I took ablution water to perform dzuhur prayer.
Oh God I know I'm different, I know I'm not perfect but I know there's no perfect human in your eyes. I beg you to always enlarge my servant's chest so that I am sincere with all that they say to me. Amen.
say prayer after prayer.

The dawn adhaan woke me from my beautiful dreams. I rushed up to do my duty this one. Before leaving school I helped my mother as well as preparing the uduk rice. Yes my mother is an uduk rice seller and my father has long died. I just live with my mother. At 6 o'clock I went to school. Before that I had said goodbye to my mother.

I got to school and walked to the school corridor.
Brukkk ... ouch. I fell. I hold my slightly sore knee. They laughed at me, almost all. Maybe according to them, the act of Rio and his friends is breakfast for them because indeed every morning Rio always menggiliku.
"Ouch, handicapped child, pity deh, hahahaha." Said Rio humiliated me with laughter.
"It's a blemish, a blonde, smart-ass lo, hahaha basic punting."
How sick my heart heard Rio say. I want to be angry, I want to yell at him but I can not. I just dust in their eyes. Fortunately Mr. Andi who saw Rio action immediately rebuked Rio and petrified me standing up. I thanked Mr. Andi and walked to the class.

I sat on my bench. God what the handicapped should always be underestimated, what your creation is contemptible in their eyes, are not we the deficiency is entitled to live happily not to accept such suffering. I said to myself.
"Woe Rian, in the morning already ngelamun aja you, entar kesambet loh." Said Lia
"I'm not papa kok." I say.
"Lia, come home from school to my house yes."
"Okay." Said Lia.
The lesson begins, all the students focus on the subject.

I went home to go home and tell my mom that I want to go to Lia's house to study because it will be UN soon.
I went to Lia's house. At Lia's house, we studied seriously occasionally followed by laughter.
The clock shows at 5 pm. I moved from Lia's house and immediately climbed the angkot. The angkot passengers often see me, either out of compassion, pity or even mocked also because there are some passenger eyes staring cynically at me.

The day where UN is held simultaneously throughout Indonesia. Many students look frustrated, anxious and some even faint. I always pray to God for all to do.

Alhamdulillah UN has finished and now just waiting for the graduation announcement.
"Rian later if we both pass, I want to take you to a place." Said Lia.
"Where to?" I asked.
"You do not need to know now." Said Lia and immediately left me.

The day of graduation announcements arrived. All students hope that they graduate including me. Student names are called one by one and my name is Rian Wiranto. I went upstairs and picked up the envelope the teacher had given me. I get off the stage and please be anxious with the results in the envelope. I'm at the desk. My heart is pounding. I opened the envelope and it said I was "PASS". Oh God how glad I am. I went up to Lia and said that I graduated. We jumped in joy together.

"Rian Wiranto hopes to climb the stage." Said one of the teachers. I went up the stage with joy and confusion. I was stared at thousands of pairs of eyes and I was so nervous.
"Children, you are very proud of Rian, because even though during the three years of schooling in SMA Bunga Bangsa he always gets bad treatment from the students all, but he is very strong and patient in the face of ridicule, joy, even insults you guys , now try to accept Rian, you all will split up, make this day as a memory for this third grade. "Say Andi.
I was touched by Andi's speech. I feel like crying but I'm embarrassed.
"And Rian is the student with the highest average UN score. Rian is your charter. "Say Mr. Andi again.
Prok .. prok, prok
The sound of applause echoed in my school.
Oh God how happy I am. I thanked him and got off the stage.

"Congratulations Rian and sorry for this I am evil with you, always mocking you." Said Rio sincere.
"I've forgiven you Rio." I said.
Rio thanked me and hugged me as a token of separation and then he left.
"Yeah yuk follow me to the place that I promised yesterday." Said Lia.
I just smiled and followed Lia's steps.

"This is the place." Said Lia.
I look at this place, many people the same as me, those with imperfect physical also yes this is a place where people with disabilities are accommodated. Some of them do not accept in their families. I see a little girl who is blind, sad. I also saw a boy with no arms and legs, and much more. Now I realize that I'm luckier than them, I have a mother who loves me. I thank Lia for bringing me to this place. I am very lucky and I can take the lesson that: Man is not perfect, all in the eyes of God is the same, do not be discouraged because God knows the moment where you will be given true kebahgiaan, remain grateful and always sincere to face this life because God has a good plan for his people.

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