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If there is one God then why there are so many religions and why they talk bad about each other?

Disclaimer: I'm an atheist, but I'm going to ignore it for a while answering this question. I'll assume that God exists.
This is like asking how come, if North and South America exist, Columbus thought he could sail straight from Europe to the Indies. Humans often have imperfect knowledge. Just because something is so, that doesn't mean we know it's so. And sometimes some people know the truth while others don't. Presumably, the Vikings knew about America and so did its inhabitants.
The fact that there's one god doesn't necessarily imply that everyone will know there’s only one god. The only evidence we have of that is scripture and personal experience. Why should one person believer another person's experience? Why should anyone just accept scripture without any other evidence?
Even amongst people who agree there's one god, there are differing opinions as to His nature and how best to worship Him. Presumably, He has some specific nature and wants to be worshipped in some specific way, but how are we to all agree on those things? What would cause us to agree?

Vivek Arya,
“Religion should be better renamed as Dharma. It means right actions”
Vedic Monotheism
Many people thinks that Vedas speaks of polytheism means worship of many Gods. It’s a misconception. Vedas speaks of only and only one God but with different names. The different names of one God are based on different qualities. God have countless qualities so countless names.
Even Islam and Christianity speaks of Worship of One God. But in reality they are not strictly monotheistic. Let us understand this concept.
In Islam there is a mediator between God and Soul. Muslims says the mediator as Prophet or Rasool. The prophet receives notices through messenger’s names as Farishtey, advises to God, do recommendations, visits heaven to meet God on Flying Donkey names Barak, communicates with God on behalf of Humans. Even the mediator is remembered in the Kalma of Muslims as Muhammad is the only Rasool.
In Christianity the philosophy of monotheism is very absurd. There are three entities. God or Father, Holy Son and the Holy Ghost. Christians considers this concept as Theory of Trinity. They are unable to explain this concept so they ignorantly says this as “Only understandable by Higher scholars and not to be understood by common man”. This is the reason i said the christian concept of Monotheism as highly absurd.
Now we come to the Vedas.
Vedas speaks of only and only one God but with different names. The different names of one God are based on different qualities. Follow these Vedic Mantras to understand the Vedic concept of Monotheism.
Yajurveda 40.1:
This entire world is embedded within and managed by the One and Only One Ishwar. Never dare do any injustice or desire riches through unjust means. Instead follow the righteous path and enjoy His bliss. After all He alone is source of all bliss!
Rigveda 10.48.1
Ishwar alone is omnipresent and manager of entire universe. He alone provides victory and eternal cause of world. All souls should look up only to Him in same manner as children look up to their Father. He alone provides for our sustenance and bliss.
Rigveda 10.48.5
Ishwar enlightens the entire world. He alone is undefeated and undying. He alone is the creator of the world. All souls should seek bliss through seeking knowledge and acting thereupon. They should never shun the friendship of Ishwar.
Rigveda 10.49.1
Ishwar alone provides true knowledge to truth seekers. He alone is promoter of knowledge and motivates virtuous people into noble actions to seek bliss. He alone is the creator and manager of the world. Hence never worship anyone else except one and only Ishwar.
Yajurveda 13.4
There is one and only One Creator and Maintainer of the entire world. He alone is sustaining the earth, sky and other heavenly bodies. He is Bliss Himself! He alone deserves to be worshiped by us.
Atharvaveda 13.4.16-21
He is neither two, nor three, nor four, nor five, nor six, nor seven, nor eight, nor nine, nor ten. He is, on contrary, One and Only One. There is no Ishwar except Him. All Devtas reside within Him and are controlled by him. So He alone should be worshiped, none else.
Atharvaveda 10.7.38
Ishwar alone is greatest and worth being worshiped. He is the source of all knowledge and activities.
Yajurveda 32.11
Ishwar resides at each point in universe. No space is devoid of Him. He is self-sustaining and does not need help of any agent, angel, prophet or incarnation to perform His duties. The soul which is able to realize this One and only One Ishwar achieves Him and enjoys unconditional ultimate bliss or Moksha.
[Ishwar means God in Hindi]
These verses from Vedas proves that Vedas supports Monotheism not Polytheism.

Amir Ali, works at Azad University
Although God sent prophets to nearly all civilizations, the Quran only mentions twenty-five names. The first of them was Prophet Adam, the father of humanity, and the last prophet was Prophet Muhammad, the seal of the prophets.
Throughout history, different messengers with slightly different messages were sent to diverse societies. The reason was that the religious needs of humanity were growing and developing just as the human race was growing and developing. Also, diverse civilizations needed to be approached differently in relation to guidance. Nevertheless, the source and basic message behind the calling was the same—that there was only one God.
God sent Prophet Moses with the Torah as light and guidance for the Children of Israel, along with many other prophets, such as Prophet David and Prophet Solomon. Fifteen-hundred years after Prophet Moses, God sent Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the Torah and bringing the Gospel, which is also a book of guidance and light. Finally, six-hundred years after Prophet Jesus, God sent Prophet Muhammad with the Quran to confirm all the messages sent before him and to complete the revelation of a universal religion to humanity.
Since all the Judeo-Christian-Islamic prophets were sequentially sent, the question arises as to why Judaism, Christianity, and Islam now exist as separate religions. The answer is that the followers of these religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity, interpreted the teachings of their prophets differently. The Quran says:
Verily, the religion with Allah is Islam [total submission to Allah's will]; and those whom the Book had been given did not differ but after the knowledge [the truth] had come unto them, out of envy among themselves (3:19).[5]
Nevertheless, many scholars consider the different religions as a divine test. The Quran says:
For each of you, we have made a Law and a clear way. If Allah had willed, He would have made you one nation but that He may test you in what He has given you. So strive as a race in good deeds. Your return is to Allah; then He will inform you about that which you used to differ (5:48).

Shyam Ananda,
Studying Vedic religion for the last 25 years

The supreme occupation [dharma] for all humanity is that by which men can attain to loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord. Such devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted to completely satisfy the self.

The general answer given to laymen is that the one Supreme Lord has given people of various natures in various countries a multitude of ways to come to understand the one eternal truth that brings everyone to Him—loving devotional service.
A more complete answer goes much deeper than that. In addition to religions having dissimilar cultural appearances, they also differ in terms of the quality and quantity of their teachings. They are not all equal. Therefore different religions attract adherents with different levels of spiritual qualification.
These differences do not mean, however, that one religion is better than another. Rather, the differences are like those between grade levels in school. Each grade only signifies a level of education students pass through on their way to graduation. The various religious systems are meant to complement one another to help their adherent’s progress in faith and to elevate conditioned souls to perfection. Each religion is an indispensable step on the indirect path to the Lord. However, beyond the countless faiths of conditioned souls lies the true eternal religion, pure devotional service. Ultimately, like the innumerable creeks that enter into many streams, the streams into great rivers, and the rivers into one ocean, all authorized forms of religion end in pure devotional service.

Sriram V Iyer,
Vice President at
I am a Hindu - More specifically, an aspiring Adwaita Vedantin (If you don't know what it is, it is perfectly ok!)

God is a confusing subject, and mostly considered a matter of faith.

To simply put, Rig Veda, one of the Oldest texts in Hinduism says, 'Ekam Sat - Vipraha Bahuda Vadanti' - Means, Truth is One. The Learned describe it in Many ways.

Hinduism believes in cycle of birth and death (samsara) and a soul is born into the world (not necessarily human) many times and passes through different bodies. Human body is a blessing and should be used to realize what the ultimate truth is.

Since each person does various actions (Karmas) and hence experiences various results over millions of births, every person has infinite state.

These qualities can be broadly described as - Sattwam (thought and meditation oriented), Rajas (action oriented - religious rites) and Tamas oriented (also called the left handed path involving stuff that is generally prohibited)

So, based on the nature of person, Hinduism offers multitude options to choose to worship God. This has led to a popular misconception that Hinduism is polytheistic. It is definitely not. It is repeatedly told in all scriptures God is One. He (or even She!) appears in various forms for the devotees to access.

Before Islamic conquests of North India and Christianity came into India, these various ways of approaching God were actually treated as religions. Now all the systems are together bunched together as Hinduism.

There is no food that can be mandated to every person in the world. It depends on the person's preferences, location etc. Similarly, no one way can be prescribed to worship God. To terrorize ("I'll kill you if you don't worship Y") / blackmail ("If you don't pray to X, you go to Hell, however good person you might be") people into one way of worship doesn't count

To summarize, "Since each human is of infinite state, there needs to be various ways of worshipping God(dess) - All this should lead to One God(dess)"

Hinduism as it is now, is a bunch of philosophies which includes (conflicting) options like 'No God' (Sankhya by Sri Kapila), God exists but different from the individual soul ('Dwaita'), God exists, but is sum of all individual souls (Visishtadwaita), God and individual soul are one i.e. God Alone Exists (Adwaita), God exists, but is not as important as Logic (Nyaya / Vaishseshika by Sri Gautama), God exists and we need to /Unite with Him (Yoga by Sri Patanjali), Karma / Action is Supreme (Mimamsa by Jaimini) etc.

Of all, Adwaita Vedanta which asserts there is no creation at all and all that we perceive is only a relative reality (like that of a dream) and God alone is absolute reality beyond measure of Space and Time, and He alone exists is the closest thing humanity can come close to a Grand Unification Theory searched by the scientists of the yore and current. This is theory is the most beautiful I have seen EVER and doesn't want you to move away from your current faith too!

Vijayendra Mohanty, I am a student of imagination.
That’s a big IF, isn’t it?
But assuming that the if is valid and there is indeed one god, we might answer by saying that this one god either doesn’t care about humanity or he just isn’t very good at telling us what he wants. Alternatively, it is also possible that god wants us to have different religions.
All this is pure speculation of course. Truth is, despite generations of philosophical wrangling, all we have is speculation. God’s texts are self-contradictory, god’s will is ambiguous, god’s presence is illusory. The IF of this question remains exactly that — a big IF. And it is increasingly becoming apparent that there is a vacuum on the other side of it.
The answer to why there are many religions does have an answer however, and it can be found in texts on social evolution and human anthropology. I am not an expert on these subjects, but what little I know by reading books, I have summarised in these answers.

Navroop Singh, Sikh

There is a Shabad in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (the Eternal Guru of the Sikhs), where it appears that Guru Nanak has been asked the question, "Of the Six Hindu Philosophies, which is the greatest?". Guru Nanak's response is not only applicable to the Six Philosophies of Hinduism, but I feel also the various relgiions of the World:

ਰਾਗੁ ਆਸਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ॥
ਛਿਅ ਘਰ ਛਿਅ ਗੁਰ ਛਿਅ ਉਪਦੇਸ ॥
ਗੁਰੁ ਗੁਰੁ ਏਕੋ ਵੇਸ ਅਨੇਕ ॥੧॥
(Ang 12, SGGS)

There are six schools of philosophy, six teachers, and six sets of teachings.
But there is only one Teacher of teachers, who appears in so many forms. ||1||
O Baba: that system in which the Praises of the Creator are sung,

  • follow that system; in it rests true greatness. ||1||Pause||
    Seconds, minutes and hours, days, weeks and months,
    And the various seasons originate from the one sun;
    O Nanak, in just the same way, the many forms originate from the Creator. ||2||2||

Deepika Dhani,
feminist-atheist-explorer- love photography- sketching- helping and debating.

"God didn't created religions, religions created God's."

I have read something related to your query somewhere and I hope this would help you understand it more wisely...

Why there are so many God's? Why there are so many religions? Why didn't God speak the same thing to everyone?

All these questions wanders in many of the minds perhaps God does speak the same truth to people all around the world.
The question is, when God speaks, what do people hear?

Two people can listen to the same story and come away with very different meanings. We hear what we need to hear in order to face our own particular challenges. People of different times and cultures hear God differently, according to their own cultural and spiritual conditions.

It’s not that God is different for different people. God is eternally the same. It’s that we humans are different from one another, and we each see God in our own way. God gives every person and every culture what’s needed to know and love God, and to love and serve their fellow human beings.
It is common for people think their religion is the right one. Many Christians say you have to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. Yet the Bible does not focus as much on what we believe as it does on how we live.People who live good, conscientious lives of service to others are living in the spirit of Christ no matter what name they may use for God.

Rod Primrose, Continuously fascinated by religions. WHY?
Your question is better shortened. "Why are there so many religions?"

Three of the world’s major religions , Judaism, Christianity and Islam originated in the tribal region now known as the Middle East. This also correlates with the development with early cultures and civilizations. Different groups with varying tribal and clan affiliations would create their version of historical and philosophical events and attitudes. This is normal human behaviour.

In the east Hinduism and Buddhism were established also in the same region. Hinduism derived from the Arian invasions from Northern Europe several thousand years ago and is related to the belief in Brahma. A blend of this 'new' sanscrit, verbal religion with the beliefs of the indigenous Dravidian peoples of northern India eventually evolved into the Hinduism know today.

Siddahtha Gautama, a Hindu, eventually became the Buddha and a new more personal philosophical sensibility was developed.

If you assume that there is only one god then beware, not everyone will agree. Certainly the origins were sometimes linked but they were all founded on fractured and pieced together beliefs that had been around for several thousand years before Jesus.

Before writing all knowledge was verbally transmitted. Writing allowed religions to grow and flourish all around the world.

To conclude their maybe one god somewhere but all we truely have NOW is story, opinion and ritual to base beliefs on. Do not assume that religious beliefs are new or singular or correct. Mankind is flooded with tribal beliefs writ large.

Vishnu Theja Reddy
Let me answer this question from a Hindu perspective. All the religions boil down to a single point. All the religions say that god is formless,Omnipresent and Omnipotent. God is perceived by people of different religions differently. This confusion is because god is a formless and a complex being. God is a very complex being that is inexplicable. Muslims don't worship God in any form, as they feel that God is an inexplicable being. Similarly Christians also oppose idol worship because they feel that God can't be depicted in an Idol.

Even Hinduism articulates the fact that God is formless but it goes a step further and tries to define attributes of God. Different attributes of God are worshipped in Hinduism.

God in Hinduism:Brahman (Sanskrit: ब्रह्म, "the Supreme Being; the Absolute Reality; Godhead"), from the verb brh, "to grow", and connotes "immensity" — is the impersonal and immanent, infinite cause and support of the universe that has no form or attributes. The uncaused cause of the Universe;satchidānanda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute), The Eternal Changeless Reality, not conditioned by time, space and causation. Brahmanis the basis, source and support of everything — the transcendent reality which is the Divine Ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this universe. Its nature consists of the three incommunicable attributes of (1) sat (Absolute Being), (2) chit(Consciousness), (3) ananda (Bliss). This Supreme Being assumes a dual nature — Male and Female. The male aspect is known as Purusha which means “that-which-fills” — and the Female aspect is known as Shaktiwhich translates as “Energy” or “Dynamic Force” or Prakriti — material nature. Also called as Paramātman (Universal Self), Parasiva, Ultimate Reality, Supreme Being or the Absolute.

The Vedas depict Brahman as the Ultimate Reality, theAbsolute or Paramātman (Universal Self). Brahman is the indescribable, inexhaustible, incorporeal, omniscient, omnipresent, original, first, eternal, both transcendent and immanent, absolute infinite existence, and the ultimate principle who is without a beginning, without an end , who is hidden in all and who is the cause, source, material and effect of all creation known, unknown and yet to happen in the entire universe.

Brahman (not to be confused with the deity Brahmā) is seen as a Cosmic Spirit. The personality behind Brahman is known as Parabrahman (The superior Brahman). Brahman may be viewed as Nirguna Brahman(without personal attributes) or Saguna Brahman (with attributes).

Shaikh Hosein Saiid
God is one, but He has not sent many prophets to create different religions as some different ways of guidance; because the guidance path is one, not many different ways. In fact, religion consists of beliefs, laws and divine rules. These main religious principles and beliefs do not differ from a certain religion to another religion. Because, the source of all these principles and beliefs is one single source which is one God, the Almighty.
All the Abrahamic religions as well as their prophets invited the people to believe in Divine Unity (Oneness of God), the prophet-hood of the prophets and the Recompense day. These are the most basic and fundamental principles which All the apostles of Allah (j) invited their nations to adhere to. As it is stated in the holy Qur'an that "… We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship Allah and avoid Taghut." [1] It signifies that all the different religions are in common with each other in terms of the principles, but they might differ in terms of interpretations. However, it is evident that interpretations go to the followers of the prophets not to the prophets, themselves, or their Lord.
Historically talking, a theory is developed by some of the scientists, according to which the people grow from generation to the generation that is why they establish the new legal, political, social or economic systems based on the changes they experience during different historical periods. These changes cause the different understanding or interpretations of the prophetic teachings; as a result, we see the big gap between the different generations in terms of their lifestyles as well as their understandings of the religious doctrines. Hence, the religious rules or the ways they try to apply or utilize differ amongst the different nations and followers of the Prophets.
Notes: [1] Chapter An-Nahl (The Bee), verse 36.

Alan Amaral, worked at Virtual Computer
I'd ask a different question: Why are there many religions if there is NO god?

My answer would be: Because it's in human nature to try to explain things that aren't understood. Over the centuries some people invented various gods out of whole cloth and used them to explain things they didn't understand, just as some invented "witchcraft", "voodo" or "scientology". Either these people, or others who were smarter and more ambitious, took notice, and then took advantage of these inventions to exert control over others who feared them. They may well have believed in gods/witchcraft/voodo/scientology themselves, or not, it makes little difference in the end.

Priests use god and the devil and the idea of heaven and hell to control and scare people, extort money from them, and in many cases to sanction outright murder. During the Salem witch trials numerous peo
Christians are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ. For a second, let's ignore Revelation. If Jesus Christ came to Earth today would you believe him? Would anyone believe him? Most likely he'd be labeled insane and tossed in the looney bin. Why? Because it wouldn't be believable. If this isn't believable then how is any of the rest of it believable?ple were murdered for being witches.
Voodo is just another religion, based on witchcraft. Scientology is, well, just a totally obsurd joke religion taken from a science fiction book.

Each of these religions is no more likely to be correct than the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who boiled for our sins! "For thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. Ramen".

Rediculous, no? Is any god any less rediculous when you look at it with a skeptical eye?

The fact that there are so many different religions, to me, is proof that god (at least the ones we think we know of), in fact, does not exist. It's just not possible that they are all correct, and that begs the question if ANY of them are correct. The most likely explanation is that the concept of god is simply a fabrication of ancient, ignorant and superstitious minds.

Consider that each and every religion had to have a starting point. Someone, who we'll call "Bob", who was probably an elder, somewhere, for some reason declared that something was caused by a "god" or "gods". Bob may have stated, and/or even believed, that he had actually spoken to said god. No one could say otherwise. Others, not knowing any better, took Bob's statement as fact.

What if Bob's great-great-great...grandson was alive today, was an MIT professor, with 10 PhD's, and he told you he had spoken to god? Would you believe him? I don't think many people would. So why do they believe that what his ignorant superstitious ancester said a couple of thousand years ago?

Thousands of years later some still, in fact, continue to believe what Bob the 1st said. The "knowledge" of the existence of god(s) has been passed down from parent to child, from house to house, from village to village, country to country. The important step is the "parent to child" one, in that it is one that happens without any choice being made on the part of the child. Children are indoctrinated into a religion, and will usually indoctrinate their children, etc... So, religion spreads like genes within families, and then like viruses to the rest of the world.

God may exist, although only in your minds, and prayers. There is no god sitting in judgement of us. We just aren't that significant in the grand scheme of the universe.

Alan Caistor, Call it how I see it.

If there is only one god, why are there so many religions on Earth.

Power. I'll explain.

At the basic tribal level, chiefdom usually passes from father to son. But the holy man can be anyone. In many ways, the holy man/madicine man/wise man is just as respected as the chief. In fact, the chief may consult the holy man on important matters such as asking the spirits for a good hunt, etc.
You don't need to be born into this revered position. You just have to prove to the old holy man that you are clever enough to be his apprentice and take over his position when he dies. And when you are good enough, helping the old one join the spirits will put you in power all the sooner.

So, let's move forward in technology to when fledgling empires are emerging. Kings still need spiritual advisors because there is still much they don't understand about the world. The holy man needs to cement his position, so he now forms a hierarchy of priests to be out in the cities telling the people how to live their lives under a set of rules that serve to both keep the citizens line for the king and ensure he, as top holy man, keeps his own importance. While the king is campaigning, the high priest runs the show, or pulls the strings of the ruling advisors. At this point, the holy man can still display clever trickery to look like magic in order to make the common folk fear him.

But this control will lessen as one gets further from the capital. The weaker priests will be less effective in the outer regions. So, let's say, you are a relatively intelligent peasant in an outlying villiage, and you see the reverence given to the priest, but he sloppy with his sermons. His sleight of hand is glaringly obvious to you. You know you can do the job better.
So you publicly challenge his authority. You claim to know that the gods want something different for the people. You show more adept magic to prove your point. And some of the people believe you.
While you don't succeed in winning over the whole village, the seed is sown. To some, your thinking makes more sense. After all, you must have something because your magic is stronger. So, you travel to the next village and gain a few more followers. In time, you have a significant following. The people can identify with you because they have the same gods, but different rituals and slightly different laws. Quietly, your alternative religion has grown.
By the time the king has heard of this, you have a big following. Big enough to cast doubt on the official holy man. The king, in his infinite wisdom is undecided. What if you are right? Running an empire is costly. Denying your validity could cause an uprising and lose his grip on the land. So he lets you continue.

This pattern continues. Throughout the middle ages, the power of religion superceded the power of kings. Different religions could spread beyond borders. And you didn't have to be born into power to have that power. America is known as the place where someone of poor birth can make it big. That concept has been around in religion for centuries.
Anyone who can convince others to follow their ideals can form a religion. Scientology is probably the most recent, well known example.

ISIS has taken the Islamic faith and warped it to their own needs. Using exactly the same methods, they have re-interpreted the religion just enough to make it palatable for conversion. They then use the problems of everyday life to justify their claims and by taking advantage of social discord, put themselves in power. While they have used violence to accelerate their power, the basic model is the same. And those people who sit at the top, enjoying the power, with full bellies while their subjects starve, have a lot more in common with people like the pope, than you might care to imagine.

Mindless followers. Looted wealth. Fine foods while the poor starve. Ludicrous teachings and rules.
Just a few of the commonalities to think on.

Obviously, this is not a history lesson. But hopefully, a decent insight into how easy it is to start a new belief system if you are clever enough and desire power that much.

With at least five out of every six theists being lied to in some form, that's a lot of religious leaders with a lot of power for no good reason. That's a lot of money keeping afloat pointless organisations that could be spent feeding and educating the poor.

That's why every religious follower who doesn't do everything in their power to make sure theirs is the correct beleif system, should hang their heads in shame. Because while they refuse to understand that religion is about power rather than about any god, groups like ISIS will always exist, and the pointless killing will always continue so that a select few at the top can have tables so laden with food, only half of it will be eaten.
Think about that when you next pray, my dear theist.

Shiv Solanki,
Life Coach , Motivator , Philosopher , Writer , Meditator ,
For Balance , Imagine a world following a single religion. Do you think the world would be as advanced as this? Do you think it would be as diverse as this? Can you imagine a world where all live peacefully and no one kills no one ? A world without chaos. A world without death of people. Imagine the population of world now. Everything happens for a reason and so there is a reason of different Gods and different religion.
Next Example will clear youe doubt as well you ll know the perfact reason of different Gods and religions.
“We think that there are somethings which are wrong , but it s your personal point of view not a Universal view.”
Reason of Different Religions and Different God - The whole world is divided in two major parts I.E.
1> Spiritual World or Eastern Culture
2> Physical World or Western Culture.
Eastern culture has made tremendous progress in spirituality , to know the inner self , to know some answers of some extreme philosophical questions. To know who I am and Who is God. We people are highly engaged in finding these secrets of God.
On the other Hand
Western Culture has made unbelievable development in Physical World or Material World. They do find answers of same questions with help of science of with proofs or with some acceptable basis.
Both culture has different Gods and religions and traditions and there is a reason for that.
1> Every culture and Tradition has path to follow on which the culture depends. As India is considered as the father of spirituality , Eastern Culture try to find the God on basis of spirituality. Now , spirituality needs peace , our mind tends to be in peace. We don’t go for material world but all we do is spiritual practices to the inner self. And so the crime is nearly zero. (Talking about ancient time).
Now go for U.S.A. and England and all western countries. They are highly engaged in material world. They don t believe in anything till they got proofs of anything. High engagement of western culture spent time in material world. For development, for progress , to make the life style better with ease. They spend their lives in creating something new.
Now , Imagine a world , following only Eastern culture. The whole world would engage in only spiritual practice and to find the God , to find the inner one. Do you think , living in this tradition the world has made as much progress and development as those people has made who follow a material world. No , the would have made no progress and no development. The whole would would have seat in meditation to find the inner self. And that s not the right way things should be.
Development and progress are as necessary as spirituality and so people of Western countries are engaged in material world. It is for balance of world. Because both culture holds same and equal value for development of this earth. That is the way things should be. To create a balanced world.
Now , why balance is necessary?
Example - We all believe in Karma. Shiv Solanki's answer to What is karma? . In this answers I have proved that Karma is a form of energy and as per Law of Energy , total Energy of entire Universe is constant. It just changes it s forms but in the end the total remain the same.
Explanation of Example. - A terrorist kills 100 people by explosion of Bomb. Now , We think that terrorist is the bad guy and whatever he has done is bad. But in sight of Supreme Energy there is no difference between terrorist and other guys nor someone is good is bad for that Supreme Energy. What we think is , terrorist has killed 100 people. As we see things happened in front of our eyes , what we don t see is , those 100 guys has done some bad deeds or karma and so to equal the Karma of those 100 people , a death by bomb is the only way to set the equation of Karma to zero. It is not a coincident that those 100 people were there at the time of explosion. But the Supreme Energy has made some situations for them and so on the intention of that Supreme Energy those 100 people were gathered there and to make them free from this life , or to equal the Karma , a death by bomb was the only possible way.
Here , don t ask questions that if they had done the same Karma to kill that terrorist by bomb, how does the terrorist was alive. Or They all were too terrorist like that bomber.
No , what we think is that, to counter the Karma or to balance the Karma of killing a person by bullet , a death by bullet is the only way. No , it s not like this. Supreme Energy sees the amount of energy. How much energy was utilized to kill that person. Guys , the account is very accurate here. All counts are counted in form of energy. So those 100 people has done some karma with the amount of some energy to kill some one and here that some one could be anything from a human to an insect like mosquito. And so he visits a death with the same amount of energy which he gave someone to kill.
Here , as well as that energy also counts which the soul of those 100 person has take and suffered. Again , supreme energy don t go for physical woulds , all he calculates is suffering of soul .
Third thing , it is not necessary that all those 100 people and terrorist has made their karma in this life. Supreme energy don t for for size and shape. Each and every size and shape are equal for him. It might possible that the terrorist was a deer in another life and 1 of those 100 people was a Lion and he killed that deer in another life. Here, the the soul of deer had suffered at some level and so in another life that deer being a terrorist killed that lion being 1 of those people.
Conclusion - All 101 people engaged in that incident had some karma relation with each other in another life.
You can t even imagine how complex these things are and how that supreme energy is handling these entire Universe. That s why we call him God.
Again why these things should be done ?
Because of Humans , like all species we have ability to think individually but we are advanced in terms of intelligence. Our children are also intelligent as us and so we all do more karma then other species and so the calculation gets more complex.
Further more the population is increasing. And to make equality between all these things two cultures or number of cultures are required. All culture and every people has something to do in this world. A role to play in this world. Imagine a person killed another person by arrow and now to equalize this karma same amount of suffering and energy are necessary but however , population is increasing. It becomes hard to manage to form these equations in this type of way to kill another person. And so here, existence of physical and material world with a different is culture is also necessary. They made advanced technology being engaged in material world. These technology is however performing and making an easy approach to make equation of karma easy. One atom bomb , million dies. We think it should not be done but however , supreme energy has already made situations that only those will die who has done some karma that they need to suffer a death by a atom bomb which gives some suffering to those souls at exact amount as necessary.
These are some considerable reasons to notice about why the whole world is diverse.

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