I don't believe in bad people

I know many people will disagree with my stance but I believe the same energy that makes up you is the same energy that makes up me is the same as the energy that made up the greatest heroes and worst villains of all time. It is all love.

There are messed up people for sure.
But messed up doesn't mean they naturally just are that way. Love can twist and distort and be cut off from light and look like something so ugly. This is not evil, it's sickness. I call these people "bad" in that it is undesirable and against others. They are cut off and working against the rest of us. I call behaviors "bad" because they come from this state of mind, they are misinformed and confused.

While the sickness is too far outside of my experience to imagine, but much of it, I can. I used to be sick myself. I am still coming into this new skin.

I believe that all people can be cured of all sickness but it's not possible for us to cure them by attempting to cure them. All we can do is send love their way and hope they receive it.

Love does not mean allowing them to commit crimes or being a punching bag for them, or giving excuses for their behavior. It just means believing that this person is capable of good, and appreciating that version of them, in whatever paralell reality it may exist in, and keeping our own faith in humanity despite the lack of faith that they encourage.

It's not easy. Especially when we see then doing terrible things and feel they need to be stopped. We can try to stop them, but only from a place of love and compassion for the perpetrator as well as the victim, otherwise we are allowing that negative energy to stay alive in the world and allowing ourselves to be infected by it.

It's also important not to look down on those who are sick. To some extent we are all sick. We are sick with all ideas of lack, of "not enough", of all things which lead us away from appreciation and the present moment. We don't need to feel bad about this, we just need to keep working to be better if we want to see a positive change in the world and in our lives.

I see sickness everywhere sometimes, but then again, sometimes I don't need to see it as a sickness. It's just a process we are all going through, some of us slower than others. It's all just motivation to be the best me I can be, because that is always the most effective way to create change.

Come take a look inside my mind at I+Everything


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