How powerful are you? Which Steemit users will find this helpful?

What happens when you do the following from being still and focused? It can take less then 2 minutes, yet the RESULTS of engaging your physical body from a perspective that is of the ENERGY nature is profound. Using blockchain technology to share this special information about embodying a more powerful you is meant to be PRACTICED and SHARED!

If you do it, please say something about how you felt below, this is how we spread the virus within the matrix. Leave your digital imprint of awesomeness below, if you dare to take the time to say be vibing with helping another.

What is your favorite color (s)? Lets give options between the ROY G BIV spectrum of visible light, which makes up all the combinations of colors we see with our human eyes. Each unique color represents a frequency of wave length that supports a specific vibration of energy. Using these seven base colors the ancient ones showed us through language, written scripture and carvings in stone that our human bodies are living light energy that form a rainbow bridge to many dimensions of consciousness.

So what is possible? Anything is possible with harnessing the energy from BEING human via a rainbow bridge! Here is what to do next. Follow these simple steps and let go of being physical

  1. Pick a color and hold the beauty of it with your focused imagination…expand upon being this color…

  2. Use your breath to fill up and release in a more expansive way, a deeper breathing practice takes time and when you feel ready, embody the color to be within, through and around the energy you….

  3. Allow the body to be as comfortable as possible, with pushing your life force breath deep into your physical being. Once feeling connected, allow the breath to be let go of…

  4. Command with your TRUTH through the power of VOICE! Say the Mantra of I AM (the power of the YOUniverse) to align with your color (s) of focus for this practice.


I am connected with the energy of Mother Earth
My body, mind and spirit are grounded, centered and purified.


I love all dimensions of myself.
I delight in weaving the creative tapestry that is my life.


My Will and Divine Will are One.
I am connected to the abundance flow of the universe and easily manifest my dreams


My heart is open to receive the energy of love.
I radiate this essence I walk my path with Ease and Grace


I am aligned with my highest TRUTH and communicate this with Love and honor.
My words echo softly within the Universe.


My mind is open to new vision.
I expand my awareness through my higher self.


I am connected to the divine source of the universe.
I am Light
I Trust.

The four steps listed above could be done in 2 minutes time for a quick amping up of frequency for the body or engage much longer practice to flow into a higher state of being. Take some time for yourself and not just your body, yet your BEING to allow the glory of you to come through!

All pictures and content are @WellnessHero original. No photo edits, altering or enhancements. I am gratitude to be able to share how I have viewed life. From capturing TIME in these photos, for it has always been a love mine to share pictures of my story to support the words of my HEART.

Omni love for YOU being here on Steemit and part of the Blockchain. I love how others make a digital imprint by commenting YOUR truth of VOICE. It does help others too! Everyone is not as brave as YOU are right now!

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