Control Your Mind - The Daily Dose #1

This is #1 of The Daily Dose - Just some thoughts and ramblings on my continual quest of Being a Student of Life. Writing them down with the hopes that it may be of use. 

When faced with life's challenges there is one thing to always turn back on to remember. Always be aware and know what is within our pool of control and what is out of our pool of control. 

Our pool of control only comes from one thing and one thing only. Our State of Mind! A wise individual will always reflect back and remember this one fact. 

We control only what is within the mind. Therefore our choices, morality, reasoning and acts are classified as under our control. Contrary to popular belief, our bodies, family and friends, worldly possessions are not within our control. There, I said it. Even our own body is excluded from our pool of control - Why? It is because it can be subject to sudden illness and external forces; for instance you could be walking down the street and be struck by a motor vehicle.

Do not despair however, because it simplifies things for us and makes it easy to remember what truly lies within our pool of control. 

Tomorrow, go out in the world and observe everyone around you. People run around with 10,000 things to think about, they may seemingly have responsibilities for things that they cannot be truly responsible for. 

You my friends, have only one thing to worry about and manage! This is Your state of mind which controls freedom of choice, will power and being!

Therefore - Control Your Mind!

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