If You Hate Mondays, You Might Have A Bigger Problem

If you wake up angry that you have to go to work on Monday after a great weekend of relaxing, then you might have a bigger problem than just hating Mondays.

I should know, I once hated Mondays. I would work all week and then enjoy just two days with the family and then back to the grind. That model didn't work for me and I learned that me being angry at Monday was really me being angry at what I was doing.

Nobody wants to hate their job, but many of us do. We want to love it, but we don't and a lot of times we get stuck by treasuring "stability" instead of life. Life is best enjoyed with some risks. 

It took a lot of guts and a lot of planning and even more work for me to be in a position to leave my job and focus on what I want to do. I wanted to wake up on Mondays and start working on the things that I want to work on and I am much happier. 

(all gifs from www.giphy.com)

Now when Monday comes, I'm not stressed, but optimistic. I am working on projects and ideas that I like and I want to see accomplished. Putting in the effort that is needed to succeed instead of putting in time dreading Mondays. It has changed my life.

If you hate Mondays, then maybe you need to find a way to do something you like. Find a way to do something that helps you work toward a goal that is based around more that "stability".  You can do it, but you might have to take some risks. 

Do you do what you truly love? Are you working towards it? Let me know in the comments below.

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