He, my pen-pal, wants to meet me

One of my pen-pals hopes (loves) to meet me and hug me for real. We started our relationship a few years ago. After some time I ended it. Why? Because his swinging moods and depressions did drag me down.
Once he said: "I am not like this, I hardly recognize myself". I told him, sadly enough, I only knew him this way.
Always depressed, always down, taking away all of my energy.

My life never been easy, but I tried and still try to make the best out of it.
He on the other hand stayed behind in the past. No goals, no future plans except riding his BMX again. I wonder how come he never grew up. Nearly 50 he will be at that time. Should he not have other plans, set some goals?

Last year I did contact him again. Just to wish him all the best. He was happy to hear from me, I was willing to reach out to him again. Our first contacts were positive and he was very optimistic. His optimism disappeared after the Christmas holidays and was gone at the start of the new year. By then he realized his family would never come over to visit him and like usual they never intend to keep their promises.

In a few years time he will be home. Home, where ever that may be. His mom died and I think he was very close to her.

Might be we ever meet but to be honest I do not think so. He will be free but not free to leave the country.
So if it comes to meeting and collecting that hug I should go over there.
Before that will happen a lot in my life has to change. Not my financial situation only but my health in the first place. If it comes to that I try to survive and hope to live long enough to know my youngest are safe and can take care of themselves.

My pen-pal is an inmate. I met him via writeAprisoner.com. I do know what he was convinced for and I can tell you he would never be convicted for that in my home country.

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