The power of positive thinking(Wafrica Guest Post)

The work below is Authored by @oghie, edited and posted by @mcsamm for @wafrica.

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*Lately you've been harboring and struggling with your life and nothing seems to work for good. There is every possibility that approximately 50% of the challenges we encounter in life starts from our mind, the self-talk, and the stories we tell ourselves. Our true success is covered with failure when we fathom negative and limiting thoughts. *

Typically it's easier said than done, but there are sometimes when you wish for some certain things but they all seem to be unavailable. I'll briefly explain what positive thinking is and it's benefits and watch how things will start working for you when you apply them.

What therefore is positive thinking

Positive thinking could be seen as an intellectual behavior that tales place inside of us (internal) and then we expect good results in reality (external). Happiness, triumph, achievement, accomplishment and health are the expectations of a positive thinking.

Don't get it twisted, this doesn't mean we won't be hit by the harsh and challenging obdurate spot that life throws at us. Positive thinking in essence is our reaction to the nasty and obnoxious conditions in a more assured and sanguine manner.

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will - Zig Ziglar

In terms of achieving a goal or success, our mind is greatest rival or opponent. Generally, we all have a ceaseless flow of thoughts that runs in our mind every second.If peradventure 80% of our thoughts are negative, then is undoubtedly outrageous to fulfill our dreams. Conversely, if our thoughts are 100% then our goal is assured.

The good news is, positive thinking can be learned if you're not that optimistic.

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Benefits of positive thinking

Below are some benefits of positive thinking;

  • Positive thinking makes you more effective.

  • It shifts your thinking from failure to accomplishments and achievements.

  • Positive thinking attracts support from other reputable individuals.

  • It'll improve you social life thereby getting along effectively with your colleagues.

  • With positive thinking we become outstanding among our peers.

  • It'll enable you see possibilities where others see quandaries.

You don't expect to become an optimist in the twinkle of an eye. That's why you need a lot of practice to become perfect in all that you do. With perfect consistency and practice, your self-esteem and self confidence will start enhancing thereby making you accepted by others.



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