Factors that influence self-esteem(Wafrica Guest Post)

The work below is Authored by @Oxygen02, edited and posted by @mcsamm for @wafrica.


Every human being is unique in his or her own ways because there are no two people that are the same in all ways, especially in appearance, skills, abilities, talents, intelligence, strengths, weaknesses. The judgement feelings that one has about himself or herself with regards to his or her total make-up, including values, skills, goals, talents, worth and purpose in life is termed self-esteem.

It is essentially described as the feeling that an individual has about himself or herself. Self-esteem derives from how much one feels he or she knows about himself or herself (self-knowledge), how much one feels he has been able to satisfy or achieve personal aspiration( self-expectation), or how much one feels he has been able to achieve, of standards in his society or environment( societal expectation).

Self-esteem is rated as either low or high, positive or negative. People who do not have good knowledge of their positives attributes and qualities, personal strengths, physical attributes and endowment, special skills as well as abilities usually develop negative feelings about themselves and are described as manifesting low self-esteem. It is very important for young people to have good knowledge of themselves by identifying their positive qualities, strengths, attributes, skills and abilities, to enhance their self-esteem and respect for oneself. People who have negative self-esteem or low self-esteem usually see themselves as worthless.


Factors That Influence Self-Esteem

The factors that influence an individual's self-esteem are multifarious, essentially consisting of sources of interaction with other persons, one's cultural and economic environment and the media. They include the following:

  • Family:

The family is the first and primary human environment of the child. The family also is the major determinant of the child's economic background. Family activities and behavior to the children generally have the opportunity of determining whether a child would develop low or high self-esteem. Such activities and behaviors within the family include whether they speak with one voice, are the children's weaknesses and strength appreciated or are they always subjected to condemnation? What is the financial status of the family? Are the parents supportive, are they warm to the children or not? Children whose parents are supportive, warm and enjoy a good economic background is more likely to develop high and positive self-esteem.

  • Mass Media:

The media has the opportunity of mass information and education. Most information gathered by young ones, especially on radio, television or print media are usually acted upon by the young ones and adolescents, even as many of them put unnecessary pressure on them. Many of the information is such that reveal what obtains in other parts of the world or around us, which make the young ones to develop
an inferiority complex, or that make them feel that they are still far from an appreciable height. On the other handpieces of information could also be such that may make one feel good, appreciative and consequently develop high self-esteem.

  • Socio-Economic Background:

The socio-economic background of any individual refers to the economic, financial and social opportunities available to him or her. It's therefore related to whether a young person has opportunities of a good home, social amenities like television, radio, good school, motor cars, good clothing, appropriate food and financial support from parents or guidance. A child who has opportunities for easy assess to all these are likely to have a feeling of significance and worth.

  • Cultural and Tradition:

The culture of the environment in which a child is raised is very important in the determination of his or her self-esteem. Many young people don't feel proud of the customs of the environment they come from, obviously because of the permanent dent which their parents or family members inflict on them, in the name of culture. Some young people may not be comfortable with traditional tribal marks on their faces, just as others may not ever wish to be linked with the caste system, or wish to be known to have come from a notorious town or village. People are likely to develop low self-esteem or feel negative about themselves if they do not cherish or like some traditional practices identifiable with them.

  • Personal Achievements:

Every human set targets which are expected to be achieved within time limits. Unfortunately, however, many people do not consider appropriate factor while setting goals and target for themselves. Perhaps many do not realize that not all goals are realistic, or may, for obvious reasons, may not be easily achievable, or entirely achievable. When unrealistic, unachievable goals and targets are set and become unattainable, frustration usually sets in, especially when failure becomes consistent.

There are many ways by which self-esteem could be improved upon. They are in form of behavioral practices which if sincerely adhered to, are capable of promoting self-esteem.

With Love,

I hope you find this piece of work interesting and educating. Until then, I remain my humble self @oxygen02. The guy who support life with his write up




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