Child Abuse(Wafrica Guest Post)

The work below is Authored by @adahmiracle, edited and posted by @mcsamm for @wafrica.


Child abuse is the act of failure to act by a parent or other caregiver that results in actual or potential harm to a child, and can occur in a child's home, or in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with.

You might think that it doesn't concern you but for the fact that the blood of Africa flows in your veins you are not exempted.

Child Abuse is the physical maltreatment or sexual molestation of a child. There are various kinds of child abuse, but I will basically be talking on those consequences we stand to face when we fail to speak and work against child abuse, and physical maltreatment and depriving other children right like education.

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For an optimum growth and development to be achieved in our society all hands must be on deck.
It's a thing of joy that we have recorded huge success towards the growth of Africa, but it's not enough to rest our case, we don't have to rest until our good is better and our better best in the quest for the growth and betterment of Africa.

I think the ones who will help to make Africa a more better place in the world are been denied the privilege to do that. They are been denied education and so many other human rights, and we keep quiet watching things go wrong.

That child you abuse today can turned out to be the one that would have eliminate corruption in our country and Africa if the privilege is given to him.

We need change, the way we keep quiet in the society when things are going bad, it's becoming alarming, how can you drive pass a child of 5 years or primary to secondary school age hawking sachet water or any other item on the road side,when that child is supposed to be in school or any skill acquisition center, it is shameful and a total disappointment that we even patronize them.


It is a complete disappointment to them and your education, of what use is your education and knowledge if you can't use for the growth of your society, you can't claim that you are educated and the society is dying of ignorance and illiteracy.

Your teacher didn't teach you for you to have knowledge and store them, they impacted those knowledge to you so that you can impact it to others, make use of them in the society, you can not send your children to school and watch your neighbor's or friend's children going to hawk in school hour that is ODD and you think that when the repercussion comes you won't be affected, let me tell you it's easier to influence bad conduct than the good, so if you think your children are saved know now that those children can also corrupt them.

Do you think your parents or your sponsor had more than enough before they educated you.
Why then do you want to keep watching your friends, neighbors depriving their children education all in the name of not having enough money, with your advice your friend or neighbor can change, make them to see the reasons why they should send their children, house help to school.

Make them to see reasons why they should send their children to school, because I think they haven't seen any reason to do that, they believe they are on the right track.



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