My 1 Year Steemit Anniversary !!!

Hi Steemians!

WOW has it really been a year ??! In fact it was December 2018 that I celebrated my 1 whole year on Steemit! I can't believe its been that long. I remember when my husband (@skiesandsports) joined and I was bombarding him with questions as to what it was all about and didn't understand a single thing!! I joined because he wanted me too but then after a few weeks of getting to grips with the interface and also thinking about what on earth I was going to write and post about I started to really enjoy it! I have always wanted a new outlet for my art/photography. I have never really been a fan of other social media platforms, I think because in our industry (photography) it can be a very "clicky" community and if you have your own ways of doing things it doesn't always go down well! Of course the money from Steemit was great too, I'm sure a lot of you on here would agree, but obviously things aren't quite where they were when I joined! However, I realised that that wasn't the only reason I liked using Steemit. I liked it because I was reaching out to people who I had never met before and connecting with them on lots of levels! It was great to get to share my art and opinions to a non-judgmental audience! I am so grateful to all my followers and I can't wait to have another year on this platform!

I thought since it being my one year anniversary I would tell you guys a bit about me, for new followers and for some who might have missed it all in the past!

I am a professional photography, going into my 9th ( scary to say that!! ) year as a wedding photographer with my husband. Our job has taken us all over the World with couples flying us out to countries like Singapore, Dubai, and Europe for us to capture their wedding.... it makes us so proud. We have even spoken at international conferences and were the first British speakers to speak at one of the main wedding conferences in the World held in America. It was the most nerve wracking experience I have ever been though.. in fact I think I am still going through it now!!, but also one of the most rewarding and biggest achievements of my life. Its a job we didn't always intend on doing but since our first one all those years back we haven't looked back, its a job you really have to love and being able to do it together is really amazing. Its so cliche! But being able to spend everyday and every working day together is just the best! We can't imagine doing anything else and we can't wait to see what 2019 has in store for us!


I thought I would share a few of my favourite shots from 2018 as a kind of Best Of!! :

Hannah & Andy Sansom Photography Allerton Castle Wedding Photography Yorkshire-4.jpg

Hannah & Andy Sansom Photography Allerton Castle Wedding Photography Yorkshire-8.jpg

Jacqueline & Mark - Sansom Photography Yorkshire Wedding Photography-1-2.jpg

Louise & Paul - Allerton Castle Wedding Photography Sansom Photography-64.jpg

Lucy & Dan - Sansom Photography-539.jpg

Madison & Richard Yorkshire Wedding Photography Sansom Photography-29.jpg

Louise & Paul - Allerton Castle Wedding Photography Sansom Photography-15.jpg

rise hall wedding photography sansom photography-6.jpg

Lucy & Dan - Lake District Wedding Photography Sansom Photography-5.jpg

We also have a LOT of pets! We have a dog, two cats and two rabbits. We love them all so much and can't imagine having a house without lots of animals running around in! We have recently moved to an amazing area with walks on our doorstep, so being able to take our dog for a walk without the need of crossing any roads is amazing. We can see Kingfishers and Deer from the walks and its great to see it changing through the seasons so far, I am sure you will get to see lots of shots from the area over our time living here! The downside to living out in the countryside is the internet... or the lack of it! Its been hard to adjust to such slow speeds, especially for work, but so far we are getting used to it. Its obviously forcing us not to be online constantly which isn't a bad thing, but compared to my one post or more on Steemit last year its definitely not great!!


I have a real love of crystals. I am not entirely sure where it came from, but since a young age I have always loved picking up stones and treasures! When we lived in Wales when I was younger I remember being amazed that you could find Quartz in the rocks and it really did fee like you were finding treasures. I have since got rather a large collection and its still growing, I am attracted to all different types but Fluorite is definitely my favourite. The properties they each hold are amazing and if any of you are skeptical or wanted to know more just read the book "Love is in the Earth!".


We both love being outside in nature and with family living in Scotland we are fortunate to get to visit there as much as we like and be in the wilderness of the highlands and islands ! Being near the sea is so peaceful, watching the waves go back and forth with only the sound of some sea birds in the distance makes a real change coming from where we do! We try to get up there as often as we can, but the 7 hour drive doesn't make it easy! Here are some shots we have taken from this magical place, I'm sure you will see more from future posts soon!





I used to do a lot of art photography, and over the years of turning photography into my job I haven't done as much as I wanted, I think this year I am going to try and change that and start to do some more photography for me! I used to love expressing myself through photography, and really using my camera as a paintbrush! I also started painting again a year back and have a real urge since moving to do some more! Its finding the space atm to do some without getting the entire house covered in paint... i'm not the tidiest painter!! But I am excited to get to do more. My father is an artist though so whenever I do something I never think its good enough!! I guess the trick is to just keep doing it !!

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I share lots of our days out around the UK on Steemit! As a professional photographer its so great to be able to share more personal work and have an outlet for me to write about my travels etc. I hope you all enjoy reading my posts and I look forward to connecting with a lot more of you in 2018! I hope its the best year yet!

Thank you for stopping by! - Verity x



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