Life after Death

We were all dead for billions of years before we were alive.
No one can remember anything before they were born and many people believe that they will never exist again once their body dies.
They believe that this one life is all you have, it's all you get, but is this entirely accurate?
We live in a world filled with patterns. The pattern to all of our lives goes like this:
First, we don't exist, we are nothing.
Then we are conceived which makes us something and then we die which is going back to being nothing.
If we came from nothing if we can't remember anything before existing, then when we do no longer exist there is no guarantee that the pattern just ends there. It would seem the only guarantee is that our memories end with this brain, but how do you know that you're not more than your brain and why do so many people believe that you get two periods of nothing and only one period of something.
Please take everything I say with a grain of salt. I will be using the limitations of language to explain what can only be understood through experience. We all know what happens during the periods of experiencing something. It's what's going on right now, but what happens during those periods of experiencing nothing???
I know nothing suggests the lack of an experience but still is there something???
There is an experience to be had once life ends, but you do not have that experience.
The issue is primarily with the word YOU because you do not exist, you are nothing more than your ego, you are a mask. Beneath that mask, we are all accessing the same consciousness. My consciousness is no different than your consciousness. The only difference is the brain that's being used to receive it. It's kind of like two radios picking up the same signal.
There are different radios but it's the exact same frequency that's playing the music.
When I die, my ego ends forever. It would be ridiculous to say that it continues on after the death and has an experience and using language to attempt to describe these existential metaphysical type concepts is a huge barrier and a lot of people don't understand how language could be a barrier.
Imagine living in a 2-dimensional reality and using your two dimensions trying to explain to someone what three dimensions look like. You would never be able to accurately depict three dimensions from two dimensions because you're missing that third dimension which is essential to see in 3d.

It's the same way that we can't depict what four-dimensional reality would look like through three dimensions. We're missing the piece of the puzzle that's required to display it.
You can't solve a mystery that you, yourself are a part of. You have to step outside of the box and look in on it and this is where psychedelics can really come in handy, so how do we explain that?
Yes, there is something to be experienced when life ends, but the ego is lost forever.
I'm going to try but please don't take my explanation for face value. Nothing I say should be taken in literal terms. I'm simply trying to paint a picture that an observer can relate to but by no means is my picture 100% accurate. It's just a metaphor and it's currently the best I can come up with.
No one who's alive today in this reality knows 100% what's going on or can give you a clearer picture of what's going on because like I said we're all a part of the same mystery. Imagine this, imagine there's this being who exists who can have an infinite amount of Dreams simultaneously.
Say for example you are this being and you go to sleep one night and you have a dream but instead of one dream, you manage to have a million dreams. These aren't a million dreams that are happening one after the other. Each dream is happening at the exact same time. However, you can only choose one of those million dreams to focus on at a time. The rest of the dreams aren't lost, they are still happening, you just can't see them from your perspective, because as soon as these parallel dreams occur it suggests that you, the dreamer, also splits apart into an infinite number of parallel dimensions in order to experience each of the dreams as its own entity. You and I are each one of those dreams, it could be described that we are all the imagination of ourselves.
Again keep in mind that everything I'm discussing is in metaphors, you can't take anything that I'm saying for face value
You can't take it seriously, it's not like I'm suggesting there actually is this great all-powerful being and we are his or her dreams. I'm like honestly not suggesting that and that's most likely not what's going on here, it's like again trying to explain four-dimensional reality from a 3d perspective.
I can't explain it in any accurate way other than trying to make these crazy metaphors that you might be able to relate to everything that exists in this universe is a part of the dream so essentially you are me and I am you.
At our core, we are all just different incarnations of it of all that is and when we die you and I we become the same once again.
Death can be seen as the being, waking up from a dream. If current science is correct and everything did start off with one big bang then everything that exists was once part of the same singularity. Nothing that didn't originate from that Big Bang can come into being, but old data is constantly recompiling itself and transforming into new things, into new experiences, into new songs, into new dances, into new humans.
The question still remains. Is there a different place that I go to when the physical body dies? There is but it's not so simple and it wouldn't be accurate to say that you transverse there, because the version of you that you know is a mask, it's not real, it's a dream. Basically, everything that I'm trying to explain needs to be experienced, to be understood and you might ask now 'Well, how would one go about experiencing their ego dying and you know leaving this dimension?'
You guys are actually in luck because there is a way to have this experience.
First of all, it's going to happen to everyone when they die so it's inevitable but there's a way to have this experience while you're still alive and to come back from it and continue living.
It is called dimethyltryptamine (DMT)

That's right, I'm saying that there's an actual drug, a naturally occurring molecule, that occurs all through nature and thousands of plants that exists. That can wake you up from this dream. Of course, some people believe that DMT is simply a molecule, it's simply a drug experience, it's simply something that's changing the neurochemistry of our brain and causing you, know a chemical reaction causing us to trip out and those people would be 100% accurate.
However what's going on behind the scenes that science currently can't see is much, much more profound and it's something that's always gonna make me sound crazy when I talk about it.
Well, newsflash I am crazy, anyone who isn't crazy is absolutely delusional in an insane world, a sane man must appear insane. If this really is all nothing more than a dream and we all wake up then what's the point to life why is any of this happening, perhaps the point to life is simply to be alive.
Occam's razor suggests that usually the most simple answer is the correct answer or there's the literal translation to Occam's razor which you don't often hear about which says entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which I find just all too creepy considering kind of the basis of me talking about splitting apart into multiple entities but our scientists have interpreted the meaning as if you have two competing theories that make the same predictions,
the simpler one is usually the most accurate so if we trust in Occam's razor, then basically everything I've said in this article is bullshit. Then the answer to the potential of having a life after death is obvious there is no life after death.
You live once, you die and that's it.
I mean death would pretty much lose its purpose if you could continue to live beyond death, that's kind of a contradiction of what death means.

Death means the end of life so you really couldn't have an experience in death or maybe we're wrong.
Maybe the purpose of death is being interpreted the wrong way.
Life didn't come with the rulebook, we are all simply interpreting that that's what death means because it's what we see it's what we can see from our perspective.
When we see someone die they don't come back. That person is over, but it would be arrogant and foolish to believe that this means death is the ultimate end.
From one perspective it is the end, it's the end of an individual organisms evolution through life.
However, if we really all are accessing the same consciousness then you could say that the organism and the organism's environment are all one in the same thing. You nor I could never have come to exist without this planet. In a very real way this planet birth us, this planet is our mother, we're all stuck seeing things from our own individual point of view.
This makes us often forget the bigger picture.
We are incarnations of life, we are all small pieces of something that's much greater, something that we will return to when we die, we in a very real way are both ourselves and we are our environment because we couldn't exist without the environment.
Our individual consciousness may get shut down forever in death but the process which gave us consciousness, it will continue meaning our true self continues, our true self is the process which birth life and no human can tell you exactly why life happened. We all started off as pure space dust and life found a way to reach this point once.
So it can find a way to reach this point again. People are afraid of death because they are convinced that there, this ego self which is attached to their own individual mind.
Once you come to realise that the ego is separate from the universal awareness which exists independent of the ego, then all of the fear around death it just dissipates.
Death is simply the transition of experiencing life from being in the ego self and moving on to experiencing the true self.
This is where psychedelics come in handy.
This is where having a DMT experience can come in handy, when you say smoked DMT, it can literally feel as though you are leaving your body.
A lot of people have near-death type experiences, where they're even looking down on their body before they get sucked through a tunnel.

DMT is such a mysterious molecule, it has even been found to be produced in the brains of rodents and it's hypothesized to be produced in the brains of humans and it really is the only way that I could suggest anyone reading this article could get a greater understanding of all the crazy bizarre wacky shit that I'm talking about
The only way that you're gonna fully, well not fully, you can never fully understand why you're alive but the only way that you can catch a glimpse is if you've experienced what it's like to be down the rabbit hole that is DMT.
I never believed my own bullshit until recently even now I often have very large like full-on internal battles with myself where I try everything in my power to convince myself that when say you die that's really it, that the experience ends, that it's over but I always come to the same conclusions. I always agree and I say yes, it is it, the experience ends I die I'm gone forever but it's always the same conclusion in regards to but the I that I think is me isn't really me. I'm more than my ego self.
A lot of people will argue and they will say that the brain isn't an antenna accessing this like invisible frequency of consciousness.
The consciousness that the brain is actually the thing that is generating that consciousness and what I would say to you is it makes absolutely no difference whether the brain generates consciousness or whether it accesses consciousness because the same thing ultimately has occurred.
We all came from nothing, we all came from Stardust and we all somehow no matter how long it took to form these bodies and form these experiences for ourselves to have, so even if I'm wrong, even if the DMT world doesn't exist and there really is nowhere to go to after this life ends, even if all of that is true then the pattern would still continue.
We still started off as nothing, we became something, we will become nothing, again and again.
The logical way to conclude this pattern is to become something again.
The funny thing about all of this nonsense and potential reincarnation stuff is it really doesn't matter.
If you get reincarnated because the brain which contains all the memories which are what kind of makes you - YOU because that ends when this life ends it's arguable whether anything I'm even talking about matters.
The rational part of my mind really does want to believe that everything I'm saying is just a load of bullshit that you know things really are as simple as science depicts them to be but the truth of the matter is things are infinitely more complex crazier, wackier than any of us I think even have the capability to try to fathom like we can't even wrap our minds around how insane all this really is.
The only reason that we are so okay with life and what's even going on in our mediated experience is that we've been conditioned through the years to get used to it because let me tell you when we were kids when we were babies, this was one wacky magical wild place and the older we get, the more this world loses its magic and the more things just start appearing normal.
For example, I strongly believe that what's going on right now is insane, this whole experience is insane and you would be you, would say well where would I be if I wasn't here where would you be if you weren't experiencing life and then that's the question, that's the thing isn't it.
If you weren't alive and you weren't experiencing this life for what it is, where would you be???

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Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this article, till next time take care and be safe :)


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