Sarus Crane: A monogamist stands TALL ! 👀 (Original photos and content)

Unaware that 'tiring of relationships' is 'fashionable' these days - if a Sarus from a pair dies, the surviving Sarus often pines for its mate and dies...


In today's world, people change clothes, cars, gadgets and life partners too, very often. I do admire the courage of such people who can court danger so frequently, even after having experienced one volatile relationship after another. Anyway - whether through necessity (driven by cowardice of facing change 😝 ) or because of my genuine love for my wife, I have spent years of blissful married life with my lovely wife. I am reasonably proud of it too. However, these Sarus birds, put me to shame! They live for 80 years and spend most of that time with one mate after they become adults!!

Sarus cranes are the tallest flying birds on earth:
At 1.8 meters ( almost 6 feet) tall, they can literally look humans in the eye and fly too!

A family of Sarus in a lush green field presents a picture that strikes a cord in our hearts. The Father and Mother, distinguished by their bright red heads, always flank and protect the chicks, distinguished by their brown heads.



With rapidly declining numbers due to disappearing habitats such as wetlands, the Sarus cranes may become history one day unless measures are taken to protect their habitat.

Please spread the message about these majestic birds who can teach us devotion, family values and standing tall. Please help in protecting their habitat by spreading awareness.

Note: All photos taken by me in Uttarpradesh in India with my Nikon P900 on a rainy day in August 2016...

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