Weather update with health talk

 Hello  Precious   Friends! 

Hope   and   pray   that  all  of   you   are  saying   warm   well   come   to  new   seasons  that   have   stepped    into   your   part   of   land,  Happy    spring   to   those   who   found     blooms    around   them    finally !

Happy   winters    to   those  who   are   going   to   enjoy  beautiful   grey   season   ,rains ,snow   and  lots  of  interesting indoor   activities  who  were  pending  since  long.

 Here  like   always   in   month   of   May   temperature  suddenly  reached   near   50 [48c]  and   like   always    short   fall   of  electricity   occurred   immediately  . 

 Life   gets   abruptly   hard   in   these  months [May   to  September].    I   terribly   miss   my  native   village's   climate  where  rains  fall   once  or  twice  in  a  week  and  due   to  be  upper   hilly   part   air   never  stops  and   hardly  gets    warm .  

 Clouds  gathered  before  evening 

 My    prayers    for   rains   are   hardly   answered   but   two   days  back   suddenly   after   many  long    muggy   days    sky   covered   with   dark   roaring   clouds  ,strong   wind   waved  and  it   rained   heavily  for  few   hours . 

 Surroundings    were   fresh   and   amused . My   little   garden   more   pretty   after   taking   bath    under   the   shower  of   rain.   

 Finally   my   heart   found   joy   and   my   soul   felt   peace  .Humans ,birds   and  trees  all   got   relief .   I   am   so   grateful   to   dear   God   who   pour   his   blessing   to   cheer   his   men. 

  Got  thicker  quickly ,and  start  raining  after  darkness  of  night  fall .We   all   stood  under  the  pouring  and  enjoyed  the  freshness for almost two hours!!!

 Yesterday    we   visited   the    doctor    who    advised   us   to   postpone   my    surgery    until   the   weather  gets   bearable   as   in   such   hot    and   muggy   weather    healing   from   the   surgery   can    take    longer    time .  He    said    that      though   surgery    causes   tiny   wounds   but   if   the   weather   conditions   are   as   extreme     it   can   get     worse   so   we   decided   to   wait   until   October .   Doctor   told   that   we   don't  have    to    worry   about    delay    as   my   disease   can   be   hold   down   by   medicines     and    precautions  . I   kept   smiling  while   saying   "okay " 

 But    what     if     this   stupid   bladder   did  not   wait   until   October   and    blasted    before ??? 

 Then   it   will   be   my   destiny ,i   believe   that    death   has   a   certain   time   and   when   it   comes   no    excuse   work  . 

 I    am   fine  and   relaxed  ,i     have   lived   more   than   forty   five   years   in   this   beautiful    world  .  Had   loving   parents  , grandparents  ,teachers   friends    which   made   me   glorious   memories   of   past  . 

 Got   married   to   a   man   whom   i   hardly   knew   but    God   turn  him   as  a   caring   friend   for   me.  We    shared   25   years   of   deep   affection   and   understanding. 

God   blessed   me   with   three   lovely   boys   who   mean  life  to  me . I   am   fully  deeply  content   what    i   have   and   often    think   with    gratitude   that   God   blessed   me   with  more   than   i   deserve .

So  if  one   day   suddenly   i   will   have   to   say    goodbye   to  my  family   and   this   world   it   will   be   with   peace   and   serenity,   joy  and  gratefulness. without  any   regret  or   sorrow : )  

 i  find  my  soul  swinging here if i transfer  [kidding !] [ image ,google]

 It   is   airy   today .Rain  's  pleasant   effect   is   still   in   environment.  I   hope   Clouds   take   rounds   of   to  my   city   and   give   us   break   through  hot   long   summers. 

 That's  all   for   today  dear   friends!

Thank   you   again   for   your   concerns  and  prays ,i  am  so  blessed  to  have  all  of  you  as  friends!  God   Bless  You  All!

Please  take  good  care  of   yourselves !

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