My impressions of a kitten.

Hi, everybody!!! I told briefly yesterday that at me there lives a remarkable kitten. I named him Tommie. I do not cease to rejoice to the fact that I had this animal!!! If it is interesting to someone, I will do small notes how is to a kitten in the house with me.


Very much it is pleasant to me that Tommie eats everything, porridges, meat, a cat's forage, milk drinks. He is not choosy in food. Awfully likes to bathe!!! It surprised me because usually cats are afraid of water. Still my Tommie such clean kitten!!! He constantly washes! Idazhe now on this photo I found it while he washed)). I cannot but rejoice to this kid. I cannot usynovat all on light of animals, but at least, at least I will make one kitten happy).

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