A Smile

While reflecting on today I have realized the importance of the people around you. Some people may know that I do work at an amazing place that helps the vulnerable individuals of Philadelphia. That can be a very big range of people, from someone who is experiencing homelessness to someone is has a home and a job that could be unstable. As a receptionist I talk to everyone who walks through the doors. By doing this you make connects that eventually turns into getting to know about people's lives and their stories. I have met hundreds of people that have impacted my life, it breaks my heart to hear of someone who I became close with passed away. This young man was one of the happiest person I knew. Every time he came in he would come in he would have the biggest smile on his face that didn't reflect of a man who was homeless. It reflected of a man who was giving all that he could at life and loving every second of it. Even though he lived in a world where people still hate each other for their race, gender, and relationship preference. When you're walking down the street and see a person begging for food or money, if you are able to always give them food. And have a conversation with them. You never know their story and how much they impact your life! I know that smiling is what he would want but I can't help to cry. To be saddened that I will never see him walk through the doors, and that my coworkers and I may be the only ones mourning him. I will miss you and never forget the joy you brought to my stressful life.


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