5 Months Pregnant!


OMG Is Getting Closer

This is the 20 week that means is already 5 months since I have this little boy inside me, trying to explain all the feelings I been having it would take like at least 5 more post, It has been a roller coaster, the shock that it actually happen that this is real that im actually pregnant I think even if I see my now growing belly and feel him move inside of me hasn’t pass completely, on the other hand the love I feel for such a small person that I haven’t actually meet yet is really surprising.

I mean it scares to shit out of me just to think about losing him all I can think all the time is I want him to be alright and just do my best to keep him away from any harm it may happen to him.

I want him inside me forever that way I can protected him from everything, at the same time I want him out so badly I want to finally see him and touch him and hold him and just kiss him and maybe bite him lol, and not to mention is going to be nice to finally have control over my own body.

Cause I’m going to be real being pregnant is not all the people say is, there is not maternal glow unless we are talking about the sweat cause I’m always hot doesn’t matter if I’m under an air conditioner I’m always hot and sweaty, and tired my energy level is like at 7 out 10 right now but has gotten as low as 0, and all the other stuff you body goes through when you are pregnant that is so not fun the morning sickness in the beginning and the having to pee at every second and the moods.

I have to admit even though I get emotional about stupid stuff really easy, I too feel a lot stronger now like stuff that would easily make me loose my mind before I can see then now more clearly and make an action plan accordingly.

Is not easy growing a human inside of me but I also enjoy it so much to know I’m able to do this all on my own, cause even if the Dad is here offering support and all is just not the same he will never understand what it feels like to go through so many things all at once.

I don’t think a man could handle all the physical changes but specially all the emotions we go through during pregnancy.

It has been an amazing 5 months so far, I have hated being pregnant and I have love it lets see how the last 4 months go, I love you so much already my baby boy I just hope you know that you are already my world and life!

Image Source: Baby Center

Like always thank you so much for reading me and
I look forward to reading your comments!


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