Hi Steemit, I’m Rico - more about me and hacking credit scores

Hello Steemers, 

My name is Rico Arturo Gutierrez Rivera, father, brother, son, man and myth. 

I want to help you improve your credit within 45 days but more on that in a minute...

I was introduced to Steemit by one of my closest friends and mentors @neilstrauss but it wasn't till I heard @ned give a talk at a conference in San Diego (and after lurking around for a couple of days) that I was inspired to join myself. 

Hearing how passionate @anwenbaumeister was about the community during that conference was moving, and she was the one who encouraged me to be open about my life with all of you. 

Growing up:

I grew up in a low-income household and was taught some pretty harsh lessons. I've struggled with a weight problem since high school. 

My mother grew up on a farm with an abusive father, so showing affection wasn't something she really knew how to do. The only way she knew how to show love was through food and, let's face it, I'm loveable.

I was never ashamed or embarrassed about my weight,  I never let it hold me back. I would be confident in everyone's eyes but deep down I was worried about being liked and what people thought of me. 

But since then I have grown more comfortable in my skin...


And to be honest, it was exhausting having to wear a mask every day and being what I thought everyone wanted me to be. I remember sitting around a bunch of people and not liking who I was or what I was becoming. I decided to let go of being liked and to just be honest and real with everyone. I lost some friends and made new ones that I am still friends with 17 years later. Over the years, I've realized people liked me more for my honesty and my authenticity.

I can't describe to you how freeing that was.



I have started to work on my health and plan on documenting my progress here for all of you guys. My hope is to inspire others dealing with weight issues, and the truth is with the support of thousands of people I can't and won't lose. 

About me:

I'm a bit of a germaphobe 

Really into shoes

And a bit of a weirdo

I live in an ice palace

Ok, I don't live in an ice palace but I did visit a bar made entirely of ice. 

I come bearing gifts!

I am an expert when it comes to credit and credit law. I am consistently able to improve one's credit in a short amount of time. And I plan to continue to post about this to help you do the same thing with your credit.

As you can see in the picture above, I improved my friends credit by 98 points in 2 weeks (truth be told I had already started working on it 2 weeks prior).

Now before we work on your credit, I need you to pull your credit report. You can do this easy and for free at creditkarma.com. Once you've pulled your report, look it over and mark down anything negative.

In my next posts I will go over:

  • How to remove derogatory marks from your credit report through loopholes
  • How to deal with the credit card company to remove late payments 
  • How to negotiate a bad debt so you pay less and have it removed from your credit
  • If your credit is good how to push through the barrier and get to the 800's
  • How to call a credit card and have them waive an annual credit card fee

If there is something specific you want to ask me, do so in the comments below, and I'll answer everyone. 

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