Our wedding day, 17 years.. Still going strong and love her dearly.....

Today is a thankfull day for us, it is our 17th anniversary of marriage. 17 years ago We gave each other the vows of marriage. Now 17 years later we are still going strong, we have two beautiful sons and live is smiling at us.


I still remember our first meet, I saw her at a mutual friend who was a baker in our town. On saturday's he sold sweets in the centre of the city. She was talking to him and I was impressed by her presence so I wen't over to mix into the chat ;)....
From there on I was sold, she was the girl for me.... After that it took a while before we really started hanging out, but I kept on pushing :)..... That was 28 years ago, sometimes we get the comment that nowaday's it's not that common anymore to be together for 28 years (on our age now). We 'got involved' at (my age) 16 and ( her age) 15.... So we we're eachtothers first love... Some years go by when we decided to live together. She was still at school and I was already working at that time (after the military service). And at some point we thought it would be a great moment to seal our love with marriage.. Me at that time whas a bit rebellion and didn't had the urge, but because she wanted it so bad (and I knew she was still the one for me) I decided to propose......

When we were young we always made out on a tiny bridge near her alderyhouse. So I asked my best friend to pick her up at our house and bring her to that bridge. I was already waiting there for her, and when she came I got on my knee and asked her to marry me. Lucky me she said yes :)

When the big day came, I did got a little nervous. Not for the marriage, but more if everything went well on that day....and it did... My brother was master of ceremonies and he did a great job..

Our wedding car, a Jaguar MKII

My brothers daugters where bridesmaids, they looked so cute in those tiny dresses....


After the ceremony we all went to a venue to party. Because I did like some good music we booked The Millstreet band they played everything, from Ozzy Osbourne and Metallica (which the older people didn't really liked) to Neil Diamond and everything in between.... A great band... The still exist by the way.


I still remember everything of that day like if it was yesterday. Such a party with all the people we loved.
A great part was the part when we did go our hotelroom. When we arrived at the suite we already heard loud "Bed of Roses" of Bon Jovi, this was one of the songs we love the most. Our family had put a cd-player underneith the bed on repeat and throwed all rose-leaves on the bed....how romantic....


On our invitations we used the song of Celine Dion, The Colour of My love... The lyrics are great, just as the song, and we used a frase of the lyrics as the front of our card....

"And with this ring our lives will start,
Swearing that we'll never part,
I offer what you cannot buy,
Devoted love until we die"

The colour of my love, Celine Dion.....


17 years already, it's a long time where we also had our up's and down's of course. But in the end we are ment to be...
I'm proud of my wife, i'm proud of my kids.... And I deeply respect them for putting up with me :)

There is, since a few day's, a new phrase from a song of 'Nothing but thieves' which could have been a striking text for a certain period of our lives.... Funny isn't it that a song can recall such a feeling..... I won't bother you wit the details but it hit me....

"Maybe I'm defective
Or maybe I'm dumb
I'm sorry, so sorry for what I've done
Maybe I'm bad natured
Or maybe I'm young
I'm sorry, so sorry for what I've done"
Sorry, Nothing but Thieves

We are aiming for the next 17 years, and with a wife like mine it won't be a problem !!!


Have a great day (I know I will)

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