The Art of Creation

It’s amazing how much fun it is to create something beautiful, just by getting some crayons or pencils out and starting to play. We just have to let go of preconceived ideas like “I can’t draw” or “I can’t sing” (Music and visual art are intimately connected).

I started to draw some years ago. First I drew landscapes and colors. It helped me to process emotions in a deep healing process. Later my spiritual guides, the Pleiadians came through. I started to draw in the Language of Light to bring through the Pleiadian frequencies.

Light Language Art

© by Michiel Kroon & Leanne Carpenter
More information about this Light Language Artwork

We can distinguish three steps in the creation process:

  1. When we let go of old beliefs about our skills, we are expanding our consciousness.
  2. When we sing a song, when we feel our feelings, we are breathing more consciously
  3. When we create art we are in the landing phase.

These are the three steps in what I call the Basic Rhythm of Verbal Dancing

The Basic Rhythm of Verbal Dancing

By flowing with the Basic Rhythm we can create value out of thin air. We can create aesthetic value in art, or monetary value in business. Our creation in writing, art, business or programming can lead us to new opportunities in our life!

Follow your heart!

Please watch this video to learn more about each step of the Basic Rhythm of Verbal Dancing.

Or visit for more about my book.

Please visit my main website:

Much Love and Light,



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