List of Top 100 Ranked Worst Pet Peeves In Order - What's Yours?

Good evening, Steemians! I thought I might have a little Saturday night fun with you all. (should I say y'all because I live in the South? It feels unnatural lol) I was going to do a poll on here and see what people's biggest pet peeves are, but it looks like there is an awesome list that was put on Ranker, here is the link to the list:

img credit.

Just leave me a comment with the # of your worst pet peeve on the list so I know you check it out. Feel free to give me a little explanation of why it's the worst for you.

I'm going to go through the top 5 on the list:

I hate to say it, but I do this sometimes, definitely not always. I've been getting better about it lately though.

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Isn't this the same as #1?

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This one is WAY up there on my list. For that I am vegan :)

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This one is high on my list too because I work at a school and those teenagers, let me tell you....

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This one!!! LOL

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Now I've piqued your interest, right? You'll just have to mosey on over to and see the other 95 on the list!

Some of them that are at the top of my list are definitely #3, #18 surprisingly, #23, #28 (huge problem in Florida),#42. I will leave it at that!

Don't forget to tell me your biggest pet peeve from the list, and if it's not on the list, tell me anyway!

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