This dog will eat your soul! No seriously, it will. - READ IT!

So u are dead and that sucks, to make matters worse your soul is now in hell and your browser history is the last thing u should be worrying about, u know because off all of the "you being ripped apart over and over again" stuff.

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U decide that u don't feel welcome at all and i don't blame you, u plan your escape and just when u thought u are home free this monster blocks your path to freedom.


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Cerberus comes from the Greek " Kerbetros" meaning spotted. This big three headed dog or as some would say a "hellhound" had a tail of a serpent's a mane of snakes and a lions claws, it turns out hat this monsters biggest weapon is his gaze, anybody that looked appon this creature was turned to stone. Cerberus is primarily known for his capture by Heracles, one of Heracles' twelve labours.

Cerbures was the servant of the god Hades, his role was to make sure that no soul escapes the underworld. He liked to hunt along the banks of the river Styx, a river that was like a border between the underworld and earth.

Movies series comics or games that u may have seen Cerberus in.

Harry Potter


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My little Pony


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Final Fantasy 8


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All the Herculeses


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Marvel Comics


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So how was this beast killed? Was it even killed?

When Hercules found Pluto he asked the the lord of the underworld for Cerberus, he told Hercules that he can indeed take him but he can't use the weapons that he has on him, if he could do that then he can take Cerbirus.

Hercules found Cerberus at the gates of Acheron and only using his brute strength, threw his strong arms around the beast maybe grasping all three heads at the same time and wrestled Cerberus into submission.

The dragon that hid in the tail of the beast bit Hercules, be he just didn't give a fuck , he took the monster back to Eurystheus but unlike the other monsters Hercules have crossed paths with Cerberus was returned to Underworld and resumed guarding the gateway.

So if you are planning on doing the devils work and thinking you can just escape hell when u get there make sure u are as strong or stronger as Hercules.

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