#TEARS BY Diana Khuli

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The devastating thing about tears
Is they are meant to fall
To cascade down your face
And beautifully wash your emptiness,
Anger or sorrow away.

I am ashamed of them though
Mine always seem to fall
When I’m in the middle of a crowd
Demanding attention
Asking: “please look at me!!!”

So I hid them
Built a barrier
Behind bravado
And rebelliousness

And for a very long time
They didn’t fall
I thought it would bring me relief
Instead it hardened me
Obliterated elements of my essence
Omitted parts of who and what freedom is

Then Love walked in
Thawed a bit of my barrier
Brought her friend inner peace along
Their combined oceans
Enlightened me
Helped me understand my emptiness
Acknowledged me when I was angry
Soothed me when I was sorrowful

I’m still ashamed of you tears
But I know you are not an enemy
Your purpose is clear and invited
When necessary
I’m immensely grateful
For the healing you bring

By Diana Khuli

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