Follow your heart or do as your brain commands: What is a better option.

 Since the beginning, man has been fighting the same war. It has always been hard for us to decide whether your heart is right or the brain. When it comes to personal development thing can get even more confusing.

 When you are in a problem a common voice that you will hear is:

 Listen to Me 

 This is where the confusions begins. 

Who you should listen to? Your heart or your brain?

 We all know that at some points, both heart and brain are right. But you have to follow the command of one to succeed. It is a beautiful quote: 

 Whenever the brain and heart fight, It is the liver that suffers. 

 We all know that when it is hard for us to decide that what is the best for us we will notice that our brain and heart are fighting. Both will have their own logic. It will increase the heart rate and level of stress hormones in the body. 

In the end, the liver will have to deal with all the mess that has been created in the body. In this situation, you are left with nothing but regret. It is important that you when you should follow your heart and when the brain is right. 

Here are some interesting things to help you know.  

 Follow your heart 

 Heart believes in love and sweet feelings. When you are ready to find love or you have to accomplish something amazing it is better that you follow your heart. Heartbreak is a part of life but remember that your heart will never guide you in the wrong direction. The hearts know the best.

 You will never fail when you will follow your heart. There are chances that you will surely find a positive way or direction. Your hurdles will increase but in the end, you will be left with satisfaction and amazing people that would love you for your heart.  

 Your brain is right  

There are some situations where following your heart can be dangerous. Some of the situations are:   

  • Business deals 
  • Trading
  • Solving problems. 


 These are some of the situations where you will only find the help from your brain. If you will try to follow your heart it might not end very well. Here is a clear example to help you understand.  

     Person who follow his heart: I am happy and satisfied with my life and friends but I wish I was able to achieve more when I had the time. 

     Person who follows the brain: I am successful and one of the top personalities in the world. However, I am not satisfied or happy.  

     Person who uses both: I am happy and satisfied with my life and the success that I have achieved.  It is up to you that who you would like to become. 

It is important that you learn to follow your heart and brain at the right time to get best results.   

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