The Pact for the Future, Monetizing the Global Ecosystem, and Enthralling Plebs to Billionaires

The untiring James Corbett introduces us to the Pact for the Future, which starts it's meeting today, September 22, 2024. There are some particular twists of language abused by the official description of the Pact for the Future and what it is being implemented to achieve that Corbett goes some way to enlighten, and I cannot recommend his <1 hour report here enough to folks that haven't deeply considered what subjugating the nations of the Earth to an overarching global government entails, or means to the populations to be governed.

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He points out that when we hear words like sustainability, equity, fairness, sovereign, democratic, justice, and many more that appear in UN documents like the Pact for the Future (which is loaded with them), they do not mean what we mean by them when we use them. They are in fact defined in dictionaries, but the legal parties devising these efforts to centralize nation states under one international government - the UN - have their own definitions that pervert them into the very opposite of what they actually mean, in a practice lawyers are fundamental to in the courts of the world and revealed through the use of law dictionaries that provides what such words mean in administrative and admiralty courts, which often directly contradicts their meaning in common usage.

It may seem pedantic to quibble over the definitions of words, but when the force of arms is availed their legal definitions that difference between what we think the words mean and what they actually mean becomes an existential threat to our lives, property, and honor. When we think of equity, for example, applying to the global financial system, we think of the wealth of the world in toto possessed by people that use money. Making the wealth of the world more equitable means fewer and less fabulously wealthy billionaires and fewer and less desperately impoverished people in third world countries because that money is shared more fairly, and no socially competent person is desirous of starving billions of wretched poor trying to literally scratch a living from barren wastelands with sticks and stones, bare fingernails, and whatever slash and burn dirt farming, bushmeat slaughtering, beggary, and prostitution they may be reduced to. No compassionate person wants to see starving baby rats, much less people.

But when the official UN documents use the term equity they do not mean it in the way we understand it. Indeed, they do intend fewer billionaires and fewer starving hordes, but there will be fewer billionaires because they are hoarding the financial assets of the world and raising barriers to wealth accumulation, while stealing rapaciously from each other, and they are cutting off necessities to the poor of the world, which is causing them to die of the lack of them. The billionaire class is not part of the population subject to any such agreements, not when CO2 emissions are considered, restrictions on diet, travel, possession of personal arms, weapons of mass destruction, UBI (universal basic income), or distribution of wealth. In all these considerations, it is only the non-billionaires that become subject to the rules and regulations the global bodies propose and implement, and the sybarites are somehow or another excluded. Billionaires can pay for carbon credits that make their inordinate use of resources reckoned of no impact using accounting tricks, exactly in the same way transnational corporations shield their wealth from taxation. Anyone that has researched tax codes and their application to such corporations can detail trusts, foreign registration, charitable donation, property tax abeyance for siting manufacturing or other employment, and myriad other mechanisms by which teams of expensive lawyers and lobbyists can wiggle the incomes of such corporations into exclusions from taxation.

Absent such expensive assets as legal teams, the rest of us cannot use such offshore trusts, negotiate abeyances, or donate to the campaigns of politicians meaningfully, to shield our meager incomes from the armed, state jurisdictions, that tax us. By similar legal, accounting, and financial barriers, billionaires are excluded from any of the limitations that will be applied to we plebs, just as we see Greta, Gates, and the Jet Set (and their pets) flying from parties in Ibiza to conferences in Dubai, NYC, or London, blithely ignoring CO2 emission limitations that non-billionaires are subjected to. Bill Gates has a staff that uses accounting tricks to balance his CO2 budget by wrangling carbon credits. You and I will simply not be able to burn candles or mow our lawns. In fact, we won't be able to afford candles, lawns to mow, or non-insect protein, because tax mechanisms will raise the cost of combustibles, real food, and real property far beyond our reach.

Through complex, Byzantine, and diabolically clever machinations depending on esoteric re-definition of such language, media misinformation, and accounting loopholes, the billionaires are exempted from the restrictions enforced by armed gangs of thugs on the rest of us. If you don't like it, have more money. An example of their invincibility to regulation that glaringly illuminates this fundamental inequity is the Covid19 global genocide yet ongoing. Steve Kirsch, Karen Kingston, and many others diligently detail the lack of health benefits and terrible burden of adverse effects of the mandatory masking, social distancing, lockdowns, and forced injections that has been undertaken in these last four years, that billionaires and their pets can just ignore because they can afford saline injections, private conveyances, bespoke supply lines, and vast estates that shield them from the mandates we and our posterity are subjected to. Billionaires' children aren't dying of jab-induced myocarditis or other ailments ordinary schoolchidren are. Their companies are essential services while our small businesses are closed. The net result of such governance has been a transfer of wealth to billionaires from the lower and middle classes of several trillions of dollars over the last 4 years, while all causes deaths for us has risen by significant amounts, and billionaires increase their lifespans by harvesting and consuming blood from virgins.

Dr. David Martin has the receipts that show Peter Daszak and these others listed below have conspired to murder children for profit by injecting them with experimental genetic therapy that has known fatal side effects and no known health benefits.




IMG source - - some of the guilty parties in the Covid conspiracy

These jabs are bioweapons, and the USG is paying these maniacs to inject them into children, authorized by President Donald Trump. We have been turned into guinea pigs to test their diabolical bioweapons.

Dr. Martin points out that in the laws drafted to shield pharmaceutical companies from liability, there are clauses that make the companies liable in the event of criminal fraud. All the deaths and harm that have been suffered by their victims are due just compensation by law. There is no indemnity for fraud in just courts. Such contractual agreements tainted by fraud are null and void, without lawful effect or application. It has been proved that the EUA authorization from the FDA was based on fraudulent filings. In addition to civil suits and relief, the principals involved in the conspiracy to commit genocidal domestic and international terrorism by injecting American - and globally - children with bioweapons must be arrested, charged, and prosecuted for these unconscionable crimes.

The underlying mechanism of centralization in every way benefits the psychopaths and malevolent that can corrupt institutions by bribery, blackmail, and bullshit to take power and money for themselves while stealing and enslaving the wealth and freedom of ordinary people. Because these crimes are unconscionable only lack of conscientiousness can underlie their commission, and psychopaths are without conscience, making them the core of the criminals conspiring to take more wealth and power by clever lawfare and brutal biological warfare. The institutions of national states have been serially and profoundly corrupted for centuries by families and entities featuring the lack of conscience and clever Machiavellian manipulation inherent to psychopaths, and this has been happening as technological advance has simultaneously improved humanity's standard of living. This conflation hides the piracy and conceals the actual reason for the increasing blessings civilization avails us. Absent careful research and noting the basis for both, which most people do not undertake because they are either incapable, unaware, or otherwise occupied, this existential threat of enslavement at best, or extinction, perhaps even of life itself, remains unknown to the majority of people of Earth, as the increase in our felicity advancing technology has delivered is claimed by the monsters seeking our lives and treasure for themselves to be due to their management.

The list of the guilty in the above pictures is likely primarily comprised of psychopaths and their corrupted institutions. Any non-psychopaths therein are craven, groveling minions of psychopaths, deranged by lifelong indoctrination and greed to serve the forces of darkness. Increasing the wealth and power of such entities is obviously not in our interests, and is contrary to natural physical laws that govern the universe of which we are part, which we ever better understand through the incessant questioning of forthright researchers, and are applied technologically by our most competent industries and producers. The more advanced technology becomes, the faster it becomes more advanced, the faster it spreads across populations, and the more decentralized it becomes. The laws of physics demonstrate that decentralization of means of production most increases productivity and efficiency, across scales from galactic distribution of elements to the products in your cupboards, including all scales in between and exemplified by Earth's ecosystems and production and distribution of the niches, nutrients, and resources life itself depends on. Wherever such ecosystems are centralized into dominance by a species or mechanism, cataclysm eventually causes catastrophic collapse and replacement of such centralized mechanism, and human society is no exception to this physical principle.

Increasing centralization of any resource inevitably is destroyed by cataclysm, and I assert that such catastrophic consequences are today beginning to destroy humanity, civilization, and society as the myriad drawbacks to having massive concentrations of resources centralization creates eventuate. Across all scales, physics reveals such concentrations induce mechanisms that redistribute the concentrated resources more broadly, from black holes causing jets of material to be blasted into the interstellar void, to population spikes of rabbits causing a spike in the number of bobcats that eat them. Money and power are no different than any other variable in physical equations, and it is predictable that the centralization of wealth and power by psychopaths will result in collapse and destruction of civilization and society redistributing possession of wealth and power to disparate peoples and persons.

This is such a fundamental principle of physics it is unlikely to be unknown to the clever conspirators causing it. Indeed, we see almost ubiquitous acceptance that the human population of Earth should be decreased, which is what would be the most certain consequence of global collapse of civilization. Ordinary robbers have no compunction against murdering people for their possessions, and robber barons even less so, demonstrated by the orders of magnitude worse genocide and economic plunder they commit. Those of us rational and intelligent enough to grasp this principle and observe it's application to ourselves must act to preserve our lives, property, and honor from the incipient cataclysmic democide that will catastrophically reduce human population and felicity in the foreseeable future. Because we are a social species, the better we work together to implement such strategies and tactics to better our survival and living conditions the vastly better we will achieve those goals. Loners fleeing innawoods without an industrial production capacity will be reduced to chipping rocks to make a living in a generation - if they live that long. We aren't lone wolves, but communities of interdependent people that create societies blessed by technological civilization.

Such social coherence is the primary target of psychopaths intent on robbing societies of their possessions by killing them all. That is the fundamental goal of indoctrination, censorship, and brutal oppression being implemented across the world by corrupted governments and institutions of every kind and stripe, from religions and schools to businesses, city halls, and county planning commissions. These institutions are interdependent substructures of a transnational whole conspirators have together designed to centralize assets globally for their aggrandizement. While it is unlikely they will fail to induce horrific democide and global oppression, once their common goal of destruction and plunder of their mutual victims has been achieved, the sad litany of history shows that conspiracy will devolve into the vicious contest to slaughter each the other and become 'The' overlord of all, which the deranged psychopaths cannot fail to repeat, as such have when consolidating power in every principality that has ever existed in human history. The mutual slaughter of princes upon the deaths of kings is but rarely excepted by peaceful division of fiefdoms, such as the massive empires of Alexander the Great and the Mongol Hordes upon the deaths of their founders.

In almost every other example known to history, such as Rome, Egypt, and Byzantium, collapses of empires, kingdoms, and principalities has been complete, and their peoples and territories reduced to barbarism and slaughter, or at least their ruling class has until someone seized enough power to remain enthroned. We have a choice between such inevitable consequences of failing to maintain civil society during the collapse ongoing, or establishing robust and resilient decentralized industrial capacity to maintain the blessings of civilization when the empires that have been corrupted and rotted from within stop delivering those blessings by the design of the genocidal profiteers and rapine pirates that have corrupted them. None of us are competent to ourselves surmount these challenges, and only by working to create such robust civil society can we enable some semblance of sovereignty and popular felicity to be sustained.

We on Hive have come here for that purpose, to resist the indoctrination and censorship, debanking and economic enslavement effected by national polities and media corporations, but Hive similarly has been claimed rhetorically to be such a society while being captured by a financial oligarchy that today rapinely centralizes the economic foundation upon which Hive society is based. Hive is a plutocracy, just like IRL governance, and will not be the mechanism surviving sovereign society utilizes to prosper civilization through this collapse in progress. The DHF is being plundered through deception as we speak, and after the economic value it has created are wrung from it's coffers, it's withered husk will be discarded and the whales will move on to feed on new fields of plankton, consuming them as voraciously as they are us today. I see a notification that @valueplan is seeking funding for it's proposal for Q4 and I recommend voting the return proposal instead, until and unless they agree to provide receipts for the expenditures that are claimed by @hecatonquirox and @atlashv96 to be taken by 'volunteers' and potentially kicked back to Hive whales (per this post by @doze) rather than being spent on the stated goals of @valueplan. @guiltyparties stated directly to me onchain that no receipts would be provided. That is utterly and absolutely unacceptable to me, and should be to you too. If someone wants you to donate your money but refuses to provide receipts proving they spend it as they said they would, you should refuse their ask until they're willing to document how they spend your money - especially when there are accusations of blatant fraud, which there are, here and here, and linked above. Anyone that votes @valueplan's proposal is voting for fraud until they provide receipts for the $M's they have spent out of the DHF (causing the Hive token price to crash).

Be a good neighbor and create such robust society where you live by making distributed industrial capacity locally available to survive collapse of global supply lines that is glaringly, obviously being implemented through centralization of wealth and power in the hands of genocidal psychopaths with the goal of gaining all the wealth of the world to themselves. There will be no paradise created thereby despite their rhetoric, because those psychopaths are going to wage total war amongst themselves to control the riches gained through conspiracy once they have slaughtered their herds of people. They are incapable of anything else, as history demonstrates.

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