Government Agencies are Designed to Worsen Harm, from Transnational to State Levels

Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy asked a pointed question of Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday.

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"“President Biden is fond of saying, show me your budget, and I will tell you what you value. If he’s got money for people in Lebanon right now without Congress having to come back, what does it say about his values [that] there’s not enough money right now for people in North Carolina,” Doocy said Monday, as shown in the clip."

Karine fired back.

"...your whole premise of the question is misinformation, sir...”

This is why government at every level and the corporate media are pushing censorship, claiming our accurate accusations are disinformation. When we notice government isn't providing the services it is instituted to provide, but is taking our money and spending on things it isn't supposed to provide, we ask pointed questions. This causes government agents discomfort. Immediately after the accusing Doocy of what the administration was itself doing, Jean-Pierre stormed out of the room.

John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s specially selected Envoy for Climate, said this at the WEF.

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"“If people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick and, you know, has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.”

"So what you need, what we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully having, you know, winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.”

To keep people addicted to that one, sick agenda Kerry pushes, the climate scam, Kerry wants to be able to crush factual information that disproves his lies.

Thousands of videos and first person testimonies from people impacted by Hurricane Helene have been posted on social media. All of them say that FEMA has not provided any assistance to anyone - at least I haven't seen one video that says FEMA helped them, and have seen dozens that say FEMA didn't, stopped them from getting help, stopped them from helping, and some even claim FEMA seized the water, food, blankets, money, and emergency supplies they brought for the hurricane victims. I'm not on the ground there, but when FEMA came to provide relief to a disaster I was in they provided zero help. I got nothing from FEMA, nor any other government agency. I got some clothes and a squeegee from the Red Cross that my family needed. The squeegee was helpful cleaning the mud off the floors.

So these testimonies confirm my experience of FEMA and government agencies during disasters. I believe them. The FEMA director said that their feelings were hurt by these statements, and their personnel didn't feel safe going into disaster areas as a result.

“As Secretary Mayorkas said, FEMA has the necessary resources to meet the immediate needs associated with Hurricane Helene and other disasters. The Shelter and Services Program (SSP) is a completely separate, appropriated grant program that was authorized and funded by Congress and is not associated in any way with FEMA’s disaster-related authorities or funding streams.”

But people needing disaster relief and people bringing in private donations dispute that FEMA is providing any relief at all. They do seem to be tending to the needs of illegal immigrants with the >$1.4B Congress has allocated for that purpose. When it comes to disaster relief, Alejandro Mayorkas said FEMA didn't have the funds.

"We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have,” Mayorkas said during a press gaggle on Air Force One en route to tour damage from Hurricane Helene in South and North Carolina.

“We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” he added. “We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season and what — what is imminent.”

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On October 6th, FEMA Director Deanne Criswell spoke on ABC.

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Criswell criticized politicization of the relief effort, denied preventing supplies from getting to people that needed them, and disparaged those she said were falsely claiming FEMA was impeding rescue efforts.

However, this video shows many people claiming FEMA was impeding efforts, blocking runways, and preventing relief from reaching people. Direct interviews of FEMA personnel reveal utter incompetence and failure to do more than hand out flyers and get people to fill out applications, far away from the devastation.

It is the political appointees and bureaucrats I do not believe, as their claims are not supported by testimony of the people they are supposed to be helping, contradict the larger narrative of the 'Great Reset', climate alarmist scam, plandemic hoax covering for mass use of Earth's population to test medical devices for DARPA produced by Pfizer, all of which reveal a despotic agenda to eliminate the traditional freedom and interrelationships of societies with the land to take away their possession and use of the natural resources of the planet so that BlackRock investors can take them, from our cold, dead fingers if necessary. The investors want us afoot in 15 minute cities, surveilled 24/7, and given only information that will encourage our obedient compliance with their attainment to all the assets on Earth following our dispossession, and prevent us from saying anything that might lead to our retaining our traditional possession and living on our lands and keep them from taking it all away.

Providing emergency supplies to populations they want to dislodge from our communities and homes so they can take that land is not what the BlackRock investors support doing. Preventing emergency supplies and continued habitation on land devastated by natural or manmade catastrophes, including arson, war, and other mechanisms potential to destroy such outposts of legacy civil society, is what suits those investors, enabling their seizure of those lands and property. That is what people on the ground are saying is happening, what I myself have experienced, and the denials of politicrats, known liars seeking to prevent us from accurately reporting such predatory acts by censoring us, fall utterly flat, unconvincing and demonstrably untrue.

It is provable that Kerry, Karine, and Clinton are disinformation agents, and the very sanctions and censorship they would use as bludgeons to prevent being powerless to eliminate legacy civil society and force us all into prisons, stripped of assets and wealth, surveilled at all times, and forcibly subjected to iatrogenic harm are what should be applied to them. They're criminally lying for profit, committing fraud that constitutes a crime against humanity, for which they should be arrested, prosecuted, and executed to the fullest extent of just law.

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