Funds are Safu! #Monero. Oops! Nothing is Safu.

Take Back Our Tech has posted a great leaked video that shows Chainalysis doing their best to track Monero transactions, and actually (maybe) getting a lead they snitch off to Law Enforcement, but it's the result of a lapse in opsec, not a weakness in Monero. So, Funds are Safu!

IMG source -

But, @tonybad right here on Hive posted a discussion between two of my very favorite economists about Binance seizing crypto from Palestinians because Israel said so. Here's a clip from The Solari Report on Odysee explaining the matter. Don't blame CZ btw. He's in prison for being the richest man in China, or something, spending four months of hard time earning his $56B US (~$19M/hour). He's been replaced at Binance.

IMG source - @tonybad

But, Funds aren't Safu! There don't need to be any court hearings, property rights, or any of that fluff. When they want to impose CBDC's they will. If you're lucky they'll offer to let you exchange your shitcoins for the programmable notmoney CBDC. If not, you'll get what they offer. Either way it doesn't really matter because CBDC's aren't actually money, although they can be programmed to act like money when particular transactions are allowed, so you'll own nothing and be happy to avoid 4 months in prison - or worse.

Lots of people are commenting that if you leave your money on an exchange, it's your fault if someone takes it from you, and they're not wrong. But that also means if you can only transact on that exchange, it's your fault if they don't let you transact. You can extend that just a little and if you can only transact with your SAFU FUNDS by someone else's permission, you don't have money, you have their permission.

All Cryptocurrencies today only have value because they are allowed to be transmitted over the internet. The people that own the pipes that let your data through don't have to. They can stop it at any time. They don't have to allow encrypted data through either, so pretending Monero is any safer than BTC in that scenario is fake news. They don't have to obey the law. For them, there is no law. There is only power.

Nothing is safu. There are only things that are possible to defend and things you can defend those other things with. Most importantly, there are good people that have your back that you can protect in turn, and together good people can mutually respect laws and each other's property. Give that thought and prepare accordingly, because we have seen a glimpse of just how safu the internet and the rule of law is.

It's not.

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