Dr. Robert Malone Discusses Surveillance Fascism

Dr. Malone uses different words, but what he discusses (he calls surveillance capitalism) is essentially Corporatism, which is another name for Fascism. In his recent Substack post he points out the difference between Voluntarism (Capitalism) and the Fascism we actually suffer in the West today.

IMG source - www.malone.news

"Murray Rothbard considers capitalism to be a “network of free and voluntary exchanges” where producers work, produce, and exchange their products for the products of others (ergo: “Free-market capitalism is a network of free and voluntary exchanges…”). According to Rothbard, true sources of wealth are:

"Individual Entrepreneurship: Innovation and risk-taking by individuals drive economic growth and wealth creation.

"Voluntary Exchange: Free markets and voluntary trade allow for efficient allocation of resources and wealth creation.

"Gold Standard: A monetary system tied to gold or a similar commodity-based standard restricts the money supply and prevents government manipulation.

"In “The Anatomy of the State”, Rothbard argues that there are two means for producing wealth:

"Economic Means refer to producing and exchanging goods and services through voluntary human effort, creativity, and entrepreneurship. Economic means are additive, generating wealth for all parties involved.

"Political Means refers to using force or coercion to seize wealth from others. Political means are reductive, distorting incentives and undermining long-term prosperity. Taxation is a form of theft in which political means are used to seize wealth from others. Reasoning by analogy, Surveillance Capitalism is a form of theft in which accumulated personal wealth in the form of fundamental, personal, and proprietary aspects of your soul are extracted and commodified without your permission."

I disagree with Malone on various issues, Zionism, Statism, etc., but not on anything above quoted. Capitalism is Voluntarism. It isn't what we labor under today, Cronyism of a Kakastocracy, but there are vestiges of Capitalism, mechanisms by which we can voluntarily invest, work with our community(s) to create markets and increase our wealth, use actual money to transact (instead of fiat or CBDC's), and build the real economy to create and develop economic power mutually beneficial to good, honest folks.

Because technology is able to increase our productivity (which is why we use it) most at the front of advance, our Voluntarist development and economic activity has the greatest potential to increase our capital when we adopt the most advanced technology to undertake our commercial enterprises. I have waxed prosaic and profusely regarding decentralization of means of production, which is ubiquitously the fastest and most productive front of tech advance in every field of industry, from agriculture, to power, to IT, to transportation - you name it, table top/garage/backyard means of production is where the most productivity is potential to our every commercial endeavor.

I don't necessarily mean commerce as in making things to sell to other people, but also as in making things yourself that you would otherwise purchase from others. By obviating such commercial activity you are replacing dependence with independence when you can create bespoke local products instead of throwing economic support into the Globalist maelstrom that sucks our sovereignty out of our pockets with every dollar or CBDC transaction.

We are in a transition state today. We are well into the transformation of industry to distributed decentralized production of fundamental aspects of economic development. The centralized mechanisms that formerly were the only way the blessings of civilization were possible are no longer necessary in almost every case, and instead the products that provide benefits to us are today able to be made by us. The infrastructure is being rolled out. The development necessary to make this production technology ubiquitous is underway. While today no one can tell their house to produce a portable communications node, when the transition is mature our personal AI will manage the schema, the resources, the 3D and inkjet printers, CNC, and etc. necessary to spit out a cell phone that can just werk out of the box and connect us via a mesh network to our peers globally.

This seems like fantasy, like belief in magic, today. It's not. All the physics enabling such development is demonstrated. What hasn't happened yet is the time and engineering necessary to take advantage of the physics. That will happen, because more and more people are adopting decentralized means of production and putting in that time to do the engineering work. A lot of the blessings of civilization necessary to our cutting edge felicity today are able to be produced by us in house, on our kitchen table tops, already. Because this tech is still developing, there are inefficiencies, learning curves, impediments to automation that diminish the profitability of such production, but as the engineering time is being put in, such impediments are being reduced every day. It is to our benefit that this happen faster. Lives are in the balance.

Incredible advances were revealed in the last year alone, from the ability to store power in the foundation of your home without appreciable increase in the cost of that foundation, by using concrete doped with lamp black using salt water as electrolyte, to the majority of spacecraft manufacturers adopting 3D printing for the most complex production of parts, such as rocket motors that are vastly more efficient to print with the channels for gas in nozzles rather than to assemble such conduits from parts. Because oligarchs depend on centralization for their wealth and power, particularly important techs have been damned with faint praise, so to speak, such as the ability to print solar panels with graphene ink on PET (what soda bottles are made of), or to print electrical circuits generally.

Were there more enthusiasts working on printing LED panels, circuits, and etc, a lot of the electronics industry would be replaced much more rapidly. Aquaponics is amazing, and since Big Ag is so environmentally - and politically - harmful, is a keystone industry that should be far more adopted, particularly due to the alarmingly high rate of metabolic disease caused by hyperprocessed foods, such as diabeetus, heart disease, cognitive issues, and much else. There's such a broad spectrum of benefits that come from producing wholesome nutrition ourselves that the neglect of this tech is heartbreaking to me. A lot of the reasons for that neglect are by design, because dependence on corporations for food creates political power, as Kissinger noted when he pointed out that controlling a nation's food enables controlling the nation's people.

IMG source - www.malone.news

Folks that intend to be sovereign, that are averse to being rendered to groveling minions of overlords, should be adopting these technologies that are suitable to their personal circumstances and putting in the engineering time that will mature them so that our posterity will be amazed that anyone ever didn't.

Globalism is the ultimate centralization of political power, and decentralization of the means of production is the ultimate creation of individual sovereignty. As 3D printing and CNC continue to advance and be adopted by space manufacturing, it becomes ever more apparent that ultimate sovereignty is the power to vote with our feet, to colonize the practically infinite resources beyond the sky.

The sky is not the limit anymore. It's just the beginning.

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