Donald Tusk at it again: Polish MP's Arrested at Presidential Palace in Warsaw

The BBC reports that Tusk is busily dismantling the Polish government, again, after seizing Polish state media just weeks ago, now having his political rivals arrested and imprisoned.

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"Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik were sentenced to two years' jail last month for abuse of power when they led an anti-corruption office in 2007.

"Following the arrests, the new interior minister Marcin Kierwinski wrote on X: "Everyone is equal before the law."

"The arrests highlight the political turmoil between the Law and Justice (PiS) party and the new pro-EU coalition.

"The men, who were elected PiS MPs in October, refused to recognise last month's court decision because President Andrzej Duda, a PiS ally, pardoned them for the crime in 2015. Mr Duda has also said he does not recognise the court's ruling because he insists his pardon remains valid.

"The Polish president said in a televised address on Wednesday that he was deeply shaken by the two men being jailed, and described them as honest.

"The two MPs have been stripped of their parliamentary mandates, but both they and President Duda insist they remain legally elected MPs because of the pardon."

Seems like it's not just the USA that is becoming a banana republic. This is the caliber of government Poland must expect from Tusk and the EU, where political power comes from the barrels of the guns tyrants wield, not from the laws of the land, or the will of the people.

Poland occupies a special place in Europe, particularly now, when the Ukraine is collapsing and it's government will soon dissolve as the rats flee the sinking ship, leaving Russia to negotiate with whatever parliament can scrabble together in the aftermath of the flight of all the purloined capital from the money laundering and the futile genocidal sacrifice of half a million Ukrainians poking the Russian bear for AIPAC, America's, and therefore HATO's, real rulers. It is telling that the evidence of Mossad covert pimp of child prostitutes and blackmailer of politicians Jeffery Epstein's crimes has not been publicly revealed (despite the conviction of his depraved sidekick, Ghislaine Maxwell, for those crimes), allowing the extortion of kiddy diddling US politicians to continue unabated.

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There are also public statements from Sweden and the Netherlands that the countries should immediately prepare for war with Russia. Finland is about to be garrisoned by US troops, and Sweden seems to be doing the same for the Baltics, preparing to oppose a Russian move to secure a land route to Kaliningrad by sending 800 troops to Latvia. Serbia has just dodged a color revolution, and Russia keeps several front facing regions under martial law, as the war bleeds onto - or remains constant on - it's new territory.

Europe isn't the only venue for war, unsurprisingly, as Israel continues ethnic cleansing Palestine, and conniving to embroil the US and HATO in war with Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and probably Turkey, as it has been. But along with Venezuela's increasingly belligerent claims on Guyana, suddenly Ecuador is in the midst of an internal disruption after the escape from prison of Fito, leader of Los Choneros drug cartel, and subsequent armed conflict in Guayaquil, rapidly spreading and increasingly bloody.

Also, in a surreal glimpse into the geopolitical elite Jewish capitol of Chabad Lubavitch, Jews battling with NYPD cops over secret underground tunnels stuffed with bloody child sized mattresses and baby carriages, spill out into the streets and sidelocked Hasidim erupt from sewers and into chants in Yiddish, just as their machinations for global conquest blossom into fruition around the world.


These aren't just religious scholars and messianic cultists. These are amongst the most powerful Machiavellian manipulators in the world, perhaps THE puppeteers bamboozling all world leaders with golden chains of blackmail and bribes.
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Chabad has a long history of getting US Presidents (and everyone else) to accede to their schemes, at least since the assassination of JFK.

Oddly, the Ashkenazi Jews aren't descended from the Hebrews of the Egyptian exodus, but mostly from a mass conversion of the Khazars (in what is today E. Ukraine/W. Russia) in the 9th Century, during a religious war between Christendom and Islamic imperial expansion then seeking to conquer the world. While it is difficult to claim authoritatively why Khazaria converted to Judaism at the time, more than 1000 years ago, it seems likely to have been an attempt to remain neutral in that bloody conflict, as Khazaria was smack dab between the warring parties. The Ukraine roughly translates to 'borderlands', and the region has always been a wartorn border between steppe and mountain, Europe and Asia, Christendom and Islam, never the end goal of the warlords, but always the battlefield in the wars.

Rather than the Mosaic Pentateuch (the Christian Bible and Hebrew Tanakh), the Judaism of the Ashkenazi draws from the Talmud, which tells a vastly different story, and from a far different view of the world in which the Jewish supremacy are the only people in the eyes of their god, and everyone else are slaves, everything property of Jewish overlords.

The world at war, and on the brink of it, from Poland to Palestine, is exactly what they have made it. It seems they have in mind for Poland such plans that require significant changes in it's governance. Across the world, in Poland as in America, we people indeed require significant changes in governance - changes that are inevitable, coming as a result of the horrific crimes of war, pestilence, famine, and penury that Machiavellian manipulators are bringing down of the heads of humanity. Under the crush of pressing power, we will be forced to ourselves provide the blessings of civilization, to create our own felicity and secure our lives, that are surely not intended for us and our posterity by overlords that seek to own everything, and leave us nothing, to engineer our servility, our penury, and our paucity of any good thing, that they might have it all.

We will see that cannot be. We have the will, the foresight, and the necessary tools to forge the future of mankind on the anvil of hardship that is surely coming for us and our beloved sons and daughters. As we witness the destruction that will come to us, will be levied upon us by our zealous enemies, remember we are free people, competent and able to provide all the goods and services that produce the blessings of civilization, and set to making them. We will make our future felicity and that might of our arms, of our backs, and our will to thrive, cannot be taken from us unless we faint at the prospect of depending on ourselves for it. If we are dependent on overlords that hate us, that intend to kill us all, we will perish abjectly. It is certain sure that many will perish.

Let us live by our own merits, as is mete and proper. That is the only way we will.

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