By August 2022 Pfizer Knew of 1.6M injuries from their Product

IMG source - Conservative Review

Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review has published the details of an internal Pfizer 393 page document (PDF at that link, hosted at that details over 1.5M injuries from the jabs.

Amongst the gruesome details are:

"Pfizer was aware of 73,542 cases of 264 categories of vascular disorders from the shots. Many of them are rare conditions.

"There were hundreds of categories of nervous system disorders, totaling 696,508 cases.

"There were 61,518 AEs from well over 100 categories of eye disorders, which is unusual for a vaccine injury.

"Likewise, there were over 47,000 ear disorders, including almost 16,000 cases of tinnitus, which even Mayo Clinic researchers observed as a common but often devastating side effect early on.

"There were roughly 225,000 cases of skin and tissue disorders.

"There were roughly 190,000 cases of respiratory disorders.

"Disturbingly, there were over 178,000 cases of reproductive or breast disorders, including disorders you wouldn’t expect, such as 506 cases of erectile dysfunction in men.

"Very disturbingly, there were over 77,000 psychiatric disorders observed following the shots, lending credence to Dr. Peter McCullough’s research observing case studies showing psychosis correlating with vaccination.

"3,711 cases of tumors – benign and malignant

"Of course, there were almost 127,000 cardiac disorders, running the gamut of about 270 categories of heart damage, including many rare disorders, in addition to myocarditis.

"There were over 100,000 blood and lymphatic disorders, for both of which there’s a wealth of literature linking them to the spike protein."

Perhaps more startling to me is that amongst the outright injuries and illnesses are also at least one case of BRAF Gene Mutation, which I found on p. 20 under the heading 'Congenital, Familial, and Genetic Disorders'. The more I think about that, the more I am glad I didn't get jabbed - and the more I wish no one had fallen for the bullshit that coerced billions of people to submit to genetic therapy, that was actually a bioweapon, called a 'vaccine' for what has turned out to be nothing worse than the common cold, with an IFR less than the seasonal flu.

"BRAF mutations have been detected in 70% of primary melanomas."

After scrolling through the litany of reported injuries I noted 50 cases of brain death, 30 cases of drowning, and 1 hanging. That indicates these are reports of harm, and may not actually be verifiably the results of being jabbed alone.

Just to add insult to injury KarenKingston adds that:

"...Pfizer Recorded 25,000 Herpes Infections Post-mRNA Injection...including more than 20,000 shingles cases"

Speaking of toxic relationships!

I assumed these come under the listed skin and tissue disorders from the PDF, but searched it for both 'herpes' and 'shingles' and came up dry. She definitely ascribes the reports to the same document, so maybe my search fu is weak. I haven't even skimmed the entire 393 pages yet, so don't doubt that information is in there - somewhere. I just haven't finished going through the entire document so cannot verify it with my own eyes, yet.

I encourage folks injured or not, jabbed or not, to read both the CR article and download the PDF for themselves. Karen Kingston has useful information to add, from her unique perspective and background in the industry, so at least give her substack a look. Voluminous lies have been told us, and the liars are trying to backpedal and deny their lies. Crimes against humanity have been committed, and almost every one of us has lost loved ones, or our loved ones have been injured, some grievously. Unless we know what has been done to us and our loved ones, we will not be able to provide relevant help - nor assist in holding the vile criminals that have killed or injured them responsible for those crimes.

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