Bomb Found at Trump Rally

This is the only information I have seen on this incident, Angry American's video about it (I am extremely busy presently), which almost stinks more than Nassau County, New York's assertion it was an innocent training exercise. According to Angry American (video <6 minutes) the suspect 'was not law enforcement, and not a civilian'. The members of the administrative state is what's left. OGA (other government agency) is a euphemism for CIA, which is definitely not an agency that enforces laws, and the description of the suspect (not called a suspect, btw) as neither a civilian nor in law enforcement is the definition of OGA.

IMG source -

AA points out that commenter Darren Beatty stated there has long been a pattern of training exercises being underway when the exact event the government agencies were training to react to occurred. From 9/11 and all the military assets that were involved in handling skyjacking planes being confused because there was an ongoing training exercise involving hijacked planes, to Event 201, which Bill Gates funded to coordinate the international response to a 'plague flu' that was underway even as the first Covid19 victims were hitting hospitals, dozens of catastrophic terrorist attacks have similarly occurred just as 'authorities' were 'training' to deal with them.

When do we call out the actual terrorists - the authorities that benefit from the ability to increase their power and oppress civilians - for these events? From Thomas Crooks being allowed to climb atop the building police were using as their local event management HQ and shooting Trump in the ear, to Ryan Routh being allowed to lurk at the paparazzi's favorite site to take pics of Trump golfing, to rabidly Democrat partisan Nassau County, New York claiming a bomb found planted in a barrel at a Trump rally by an OGA agent was being used to train bomb detecting dogs, it is quite obvious that the Democratic Party (that Trump has belonged to until he sought to run for President as a Republican) is the prime suspect in these assassination attempt on Trump media frenzies.

There is no way a bomb planted in a barrel at a Trump rally was an innocent dog training aid. First, I don't think dog trainers use actual bombs, needing only volatile substances to train dogs to sniff them out. Dogs can't sniff out functional bombs, only the explosive chemicals. The fact that Nassau 'authorities' make that claim is the strongest indication of their involvement that could be discovered, other than Nassau County Commisioners' fingerprints on the bomb and Nassau County paid receipts for the components. Can anyone actually believe that after two assassination attempts, security agencies believe there is any possibility a bomb planted at a Trump rally has innocent motives?

Because I am aware of the duplicitous expertise Trump has been trained in by Roy Cohn, Jeffery Epstein, the WWE, NYC real estate business, and basically his entire career in reality TV, I am suspicious that Trump is the architect of these events and the entire Russiagate and 'Get Trump' frothing at the mouth of the media, because these expressions of hatred drive those aware of the execrable nature of the frothers to consider anyone hated by them a hero. It is the hatred of the Democrats, whom Trump has associated with all his life, and the media, that Trump has made his career in, that most recommends Trump to his fans.

What do you think is the real reason some government agent planted a bomb at a Trump rally? Was some Nassau County political appointee training bomb sniffing dogs? Was someone trying to kill Trump? Or was Trump engineering more zealous fanaticism from his acolytes?

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