Different layers of the atmosphere!!

When you look at the sky or gaze at the stars at night, did you know that you are actually looking through different layers of the atmosphere, Yes, we do have different layers based on the temperature.

What is an atmosphere?

Atmosphere surrounds our Earth. It is nothing but the air.

Air is mostly composed of the following,
Nitrogen (about 78%)
Oxygen (about 21%),
Argon (about 0.9%) with carbon dioxide and other gases in small amounts


Different layers of atmosphere includes,

Troposphere -- This is the lowest layer in the atmosphere. It has oxygen which keeps us alive when we travel in this layer. It extends from 0 to 7 miles from the ground level. All the weather happens in this layer.

Stratosphere -- the Second layer of the atmosphere. It extends from the top of the troposphere from 7 to 31 miles. Ozone layer is present in this layer.

Mesosphere --It extends up to around 85km from the top of the Stratosphere. The air becomes thinner at this layer. Most meteors burn up in the mesosphere

Thermosphere -- It extends around 700km from the top of the Mesosphere. The aurora, the Northern Lights and Southern Lights, occur in the thermosphere. Some of the satellites will be orbiting in this layer.

Exosphere -- Region at about 10,000km above the earth's surface is called Exosphere. Air is very, very thin in this layer.
Some of the satellites will be in this layer too.


Without atmosphere, there is no life.

To conclude, Atmosphere contains the air we breathe, protects us from the harmful radiation from the sun, keeps the climate and weather of our planet moderate when compared to other planets.

Am amazing photo!!

Space Shuttle orbiting in the thermosphere. This space shuttle appears to be in between stratosphere and mesosphere due to the angle of the photo. Quite Interesting!!

ImageSource: Wiki,bakariscience, survivalistboards

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